Économie et Statistique n° 464-465-466 - 2013 Inequalities and Discriminations: measurement issues - Indirect approaches: discrimination as an unexplained component of inequalities - Experimental approach: the contribution of testing - Subjective approaches: measuring felt discriminations

Economie et Statistique
Paru le :Paru le10/04/2014
Gérard Bouvier et Stéphane Jugnot
Economie et Statistique- April 2014

People with health issues or disabilities report stigmatising behaviours more than other people

Gérard Bouvier et Stéphane Jugnot

Conducted in 2008, the Disability-Health survey statistically documents for the first time the scale of health or disability discriminations felt by people living in ordinary households in France. 2.3 million people aged 18 or over living in ordinary dwellings in France state that they have been subjected to stigmatising behaviours in their life due to their state of health or disability: being mocked, shunned or unfairly treated, or having their rights refused. People with health issues or disabilities state far more frequently than other people that they have been confronted with stigmatising behaviour, and young people are particularly concerned. These discriminatory experiences thus form part of their life. This observation is strengthened when the differentiated effects of socio-demographic characteristics on the likelihood of a person stating that he has been discriminated against are taken into account. The scale of this over-reporting varies according to the nature of the functional disabilities suffered and according to the way the person subjectively perceives their state of health. In particular, people with cognitive functional disabilities far more frequently state that they are victims of stigmatising behaviours. Governmental recognition of a disability is also associated with a significant increase in the perception of discriminatory experiences. A more detailed analysis suggests that contextual factors running across the various types of functional disabilities, such as the existence of people to help them, or the age of the person when the disability occurred, could play a part.

Economie et Statistique

No 464-465-466

Paru le :10/04/2014