Annual survey of companies in the transport sector 

EAE transports

Paru le :Paru le12/12/2024

As in industry, commerce and services, construction, the EAE Transport survey provides statistics on the main economic characteristics of enterprises in the transport sector.

An effort has been made to harmonise these annual surveys: the questionnaires are relatively similar as regards the general data (headcount and remuneration, accounting data, investments and disposals); the specific features of the sectors studied are also the subject of adapted questions (fuel purchases, road fleet at the end of the financial year, for example, for the EAE transport).

Information is collected from companies, mainly on the basis of their company accounts. Apart from the standard operating account, the various topics covered in the questionnaires are adapted to the specificities of the transport sector as a whole:

the breakdown of operating expenses details those that are particularly interesting in terms of transport: subcontracting, insurance premiums, fuel purchases, etc;

questions on investments reveal the "transport equipment" component;

employment is broken down between sedentary staff and travelling or flying staff; the breakdown of turnover by activity is supplemented by an indication of subcontracting.

An undertaking may have several distinct activities within the meaning of the French activity nomenclature (NAF); its main activity is determined from the distribution of its production between all its activities.

The survey covers metropolitan France and the overseas departments.

The survey also serves to respond to requests from the European Commission in the context of the structural regulation on enterprises. It contributes to the preparation by Insee of the national and regional accounts.

The first annual survey of transport companies was conducted in 1973. From 1973 to 1983, there was very little change in the survey.

The 1984 survey launched a new generation of surveys. The change in the chart of accounts was an opportunity to renovate the content of the questionnaire, the management methods and tools and the statistical techniques used.

The classification of activities changed on 1 January 1993: the date of entry into force of the French classification of activities (NAF) harmonised with the classification of activities of the European Community NACE Rev.1 led to series breaks between 1992 and 1993.

Since 1997, the so-called fourth generation survey has undergone a major change. The change in the chart of accounts was the occasion for a renovation concerning the content of the questionnaire, the management methods and tools and the statistical techniques used from 1998 to 2007.

In 2007, the collection and dissemination of the EAE transports was carried out using NAF rev.2, in force on 1 January 2008.

A recasting of structural business statistics will be implemented at INSEE from 1 January 2009. The aim is to give an increased role to administrative sources, tax sources but also others such as annual social data declarations (DADS). This recasting also aims to take better account of the "enterprise groups" dimension.


Data and Statistical Studies Departement

