Community innovation survey 2012
CIS 2012
CIS 2012
Présentation statistique
Statistical concepts and definitions
The main topics covered in the survey are as follows:
-frequency of innovation by innovation type (products, processes, organisational, marketing): number of enterprises that have introduced such innovations during the period 2010 to 2012;
-degree of innovation: turnover share (2012) from good or service innovations introduced between 2010 and 2012 : goods or services that are new to the market, goods or services that are new to the enterprise only;
-expenditure associated with product and process innovation activities according to a simple nomenclature: expenditure on research and development
- R&D (internal/external), innovation-related equipment expenditure (excl. R&D); acquisition of external knowledge-related expenditure and others types of expenditures.
-other aspects of the innovation process concerning product and process innovations (qualitative questions only): public funding, forms of cooperation to develop innovations, strategies to achieve business goals;
- competitiveness of product and process innovations;
- existence of public contracts (innovative or not);
- existence of a subcontracting activity (innovative or not).
Statistical population
This survey is harmonised at European level in accordance with regulations covering
innovation statistics; it covers the following activities (divisions in NAF rev. 2):
-Mining and quarrying (divisions 05 to 09);
-Manufacturing (divisions 10 to 33);
-Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply (division 35);
-Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation (divisions 36 to 39);
-Construction (divisions 41 to 43);
-Wholesale trade, excluding cars and motorcycles (division 46);
-Transportation and storage (divisions 49 to 53);
-Information and communication (divisions 58 to 63);
-Financial service activities, except insurance and pension funding (division 64 to
-Architectural and engineering activities; technical testing and analysis (division
-Scientific research and development (division 72);
-Advertising and market research (division 73).