Service producer price index 


Paru le :Paru le23/09/2024


Services producer price indices satisfy national, European or even international requirements. Thanks to these indices :

  • Economists can evaluate and analyze economic trends. Many French, European and international public and private organizations use them as economic indicators and as leading indicators for inflation (European Central Bank (ECB), International Monetary Fund (IMF), Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), etc). These indices provide a monthly price monitoring, on different markets at all stages of the production process. The aggregation of price indices in the Member States enable to establish the services producer price indices (for services sold to businesses, or to all the markets) in the whole European Union;

  • National accountants can deflate the production that comes from corporate structural statistics and thus to carry out the sharing between the development of the activity in volume and the development of prices ("price-volume" sharing). In fine, they can thus calculate the evolution of Gross Domestic Product in volume and price ;

  • Enterprises can index contracts (using "market price").

The construction of the "services to businesses" producer price indices was launched in 1992 and ended in 1994 with a publication of first indices. Collection and dissemination of services prices are quarterly. The " STS-package ", wich is currently being defined, requires an extension of the scope of services to all market services sections H to N excluding K (financial services), with a view all markets ("BtoAll"), therefore beyond services to businesses. This STS-package should be included under "FRIBS" regulation. France added the S95 division in sections H to N.

SOeS was in charge of the project management of price indices for various freight transport since 2002. At the beginning of 2013, the project management of these indices was transferred to INSEE.