Labour force activity and employment conditions surveys 


Paru le :Paru le19/09/2024

The quarterly survey on labour activity and employment conditions (Acemo) measures trends in basic wages, which is useful for monitoring the overall outlook for wages and for indexing the minimum wage (Smic).

Its purpose is also to measure trends in working hours and fluctuations in the short term, also whether or not there are difficulties with hiring and the number of vacant posts.

Four main indices are calculated on the basis of the quarterly Acemo survey:
- trends in a worker's and employee’s basic hourly wage (SHBOE);
- trends in the basic monthly wage (SMB) by socio-professional category (worker, employee, intermediate profession and manager);
- index of hourly labour cost - all employees (ICHTrev-TS) ;
- index of number of worked hours

This survey is one of the sources used to calculate quarterly employment estimates. It also provides the proportion of employees working part-time and those with fixed-term contracts.

The quarterly Acemo survey was launched in 1946.

The survey has undergone several revisons. The survey in its present form was conducted for the first time in January 2006 after a fundamental overhaul by Dares in collaboration with Insee and the social partners involved. A change in questionnaire in 2013 and an extension of coverage in 2017 have been operated.

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Directorate of Research, Economic Studies and Statistics 

