Enquête sur les consommations d'énergie dans l'industrie 2022
EACEI 2022
EACEI 2022
Traitement statistique
Frequency of data collection
Data collection
EACEI 2022 is collected via the internet and possibly by post (at the request of the establishment).
Data collection period
The collection period extends from January to May 2023.
Collection mode
By Internet
Survey unit
Local unit (of an enterprise)
Sampling method
The sampling frame is the Sirus directory (system of identification to directory of statistical units).
The sampling method is a stratified plan by the nomenclature Nace rev 2, workforce bands, and region.
Allocations are optimised on the Nomenclature x workforce bands, and on energy consumption, taking into account the average dispersion per stratum over the last 3 years. The allowances are exhaustive above the threshold of 250 employees, big consumers of energy and for strata of less than 10 units.
Sample size
The sample includes approximately 8 500 establishments.
Data collection documents
- Notice 2022 de l'enquête sur les consommations d’énergie dans l’industrie (pdf, fr, 79 Ko, 15/11/2022)
- Questionnaire 2022 sur les consommations d'énergie dans l'industrie (pdf, fr, 10 Mo, 16/12/2022)
Data validation
The controls carried out to ensure the quality of the statistical results are as follows:
Checks during the collection phase: checks on internal coherence and temporal coherence in the form of an alert at the time of data entry
Follow-ups during the collection phase: exhaustive reminders by mail on non-respondents, priority telephone reminders on large non-respondents
Data cleaning to ensure consistency of answers within each questionnaire
Calculation of precision indicators.