Monthly tendency survey in services 2021
Présentation statistique
Data description
The main themes addressed are :
- activity: business managers are asked about developments in the sector as a whole,
as well as the demand addressed to them, the cash flow situation, the stock level
or the factors limiting their activity;
- employment: business managers are asked about recent and upcoming staff numbers
in their company. They are also asked about their recruitment difficulties;
- investment: business managers are asked about the development of their recent and
future investments, the factors driving their decision to invest and the destination
of the latter;
- prices ;
- market prices, the foreign competitive position, acquisitions and transport capacity ;
- the easiness to predict the future development of the business situation.
Most of the survey questions are qualitative and have three modalities. The results
are presented in the form of opinion balances, corresponding to the differences between
the percentage of "increasing" (+) and the percentage of "decreasing" (-) responses.
Sector coverage
The survey covers almost all of the following sectors: accommodation and catering;
information and communication; real estate activities; specialised, scientific and
technical activities; administrative and support activities; other service activities;
road goods haulage and courier services.
More precisely, the survey covers the sectors defined by the French Nomenclature of
Activities (NAF Rev. 2) codes: 49.41, 52.29A, 53.2, 55.1, 55.2, 56.1, 56.21Z, 56.3,
58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 68 (except 68.32B), 69, 70 (except 70.10Z), 71, 73, 74, 77,
78, 79, 80, 81 (except 81.30Z), 82, 95, 96.
Statistical concepts and definitions
The composite business climate indicator describes the common component of the selected
balances of opinion on past activity, forecast activity, judgement of order books,
past work force and production capacity utilisation rate.
The turning point indicator aims to detect as early as possible when the outlook trend
changes direction. This is a qualitative variable which is not directly observed.
The indicator is presented in the form of a curve, retracing for each date the difference
between the probability that the cyclical phase is favourable and the probability
that is unfavourable.
Statistical unit
The unit surveyed is the enterprise (legal unit or profiled enterprise).
Time coverage
Some data have been available since 1988.