Survey on environmental protection studies and investments 2017
Antipol 2017
Antipol 2017
Traitement statistique
Frequency of data collection
Data collection
Internet with the possibility of using postal means upon demand.
Units of measure:
- The workforce of the establishment is requested on 31/12/2017 (EFF_ETAB), number
of FTE dedicated to environnment (EFF_ENV): number of occupied people
- Studies and investments for environmental protection: thousands of euros
- The shares (PART_ACHAT, PART_ENVIR) and breakdown (IE, ID, IA, IG, IB, IS, IP, IR
et TOT_PCT): percentage (%)
Data collection period
The collection took place from 11th june to 25th october 2018.
Collection mode
- By post mail
- By Internet
Survey unit
Local unit (of an enterprise)
Sampling method
The frame is the Statistical business register (Sirus).
The sampling method is stratification by industry, unit size and location (since the
reference year 2014). The allocations are optimized on the amounts of research and
investment in previous surveys (Neyman allocation). They are completeness beyond a
certain threshold.
Sample size
11,000 units
Data validation
- Checks during the collection phase: checks on internal coherence and temporal coherence in the form of an alert at the time of data entry
- Follow-ups during the collection phase: exhaustive reminders by mail on non-respondents, priority telephone reminders on large non-respondents
- Data cleaning to ensure consistency of answers within each questionnaire
- Calculation of precision indicators
Data compilation
Methodology of the survey on environmental protection studies and investments 2018 (Antipol)