Survey on environmental protection studies and investments 2017 

Antipol 2017

Paru le :Paru le18/02/2025

Gestion de la qualité

Quality assurance

The different stages of the survey ensure that the process meets the requirements for statistical production:
- stratified sample selection
- reminders and checks of data being collected
- clearance
- adjustment for total non-response
- shimming
- adjustment for partial non-response
- winsorisation  (control of the influence of atypical units)
- the questionnaire was tested (in the 4th quarter 2012) as part of the survey's appearance before the label committee in early 2013

Quality assessment

The survey shows a slight increase in response rate: 86.8% (81.8% in the previous edition that included current expenditure).

Before any exploitation, it is also useful to assess the quality of the variables through their partial non-response rate and the confidence intervals provided in the survey quality indicators.

This year, the partial non-response rate is weak. The variable I2 (share of integrated investments to protect the environment) stands at 6.6%.

This variable should therefore be analysed with caution, as a significant proportion of the responses have therefore been imputed.

The other variables all have a partial non-response rate of less than 6%.

In terms of precision, the main numerical variables have the following coefficients of variation:
Total amount of studies to protect the environment (TOT_ETUDE): 3.4%
Total amount of specific investments (IT): 3.4%.
Amount of integrated environmental protection investments (I2): 3.5%.
Amount of total investments (TI+I2): 2,9%.

Accuracy degrades when one focuses on finer diffusion domains. In particular, the following sectors of activity have a coefficient of variation exceeding 20% and should be analysed with caution:

Clothing industry
Repair and installation of machinery and equipment
Printing and reproduction of recordings
Manufacture of electrical equipment

For (TI)
Clothing industry
Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning generation and distribution
Repair and installation of machinery and equipment
Leather and Footwear Industry
Other manufacturing industries
Manufacture of electrical equipment

For variable TI, the overseas region (97) is in the same case.

For (I2)
Leather and Footwear Industry
Printing and reproduction of recordings
Clothing industry
Furniture manufacturing
Woodworking and manufacture of articles of wood and cork, except furniture; manufacture of articles of straw and plaiting materials

For variable I2, the overseas regions (97) and Corse (94) are in the same case.