Annual survey on industrial energy consumption 2016
EACEI 2016
EACEI 2016
Présentation statistique
Data description
The series include quantities consumed by type of energy, related costs, and the breakdown by use of each energy, as well as contextual data on the surveyed establishments. See file "EACEI_2016_DD.ods".
- Description of the EACEI 2016 data (ods, fr, 22 Ko, 17/12/2018)
Classification system
Activity (NACE rev.2 divisions)
07-Mining of metal ores
08-Other mining and quarring
09-Mining support service activity
10-Manufacture of food products
11-Manufacturing of beverages
12-Manufacture of tobacco products
13-Manufacture of textiles
14-Manufacture of wearing apparel
15-Manufacture of leather and related products
16-Manufacture of wood and of products of wood and cork, except furniture; manufacture
of articles of straw and painting materials
17-Manufacture of paper and paperproduct
18-Printing and reproduction of recorded media
19-Manufacture of coke and refined petroleum produtcs
20-Manufacture of chemical products
21-Manufacture of basic pharmaceutical products and pharmaceutical preparations
22-Manufacture of rubber and plastic products
23-Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products
24-Manufacture of basic metals
25-Manufacture of fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment
26-Manufacturing of computer, electronic and optical products
27-Manufacture of electrical equipment
28-Manufacture of machinery and equipment n.e.c.
29-Manufacture of motor vehicles, trallers and semi-trallers
30-Manufacture of other transport equipment
31-Manufacture of furniture
32-Other manufacturing
33-Repair and installation of machinery and equipment
38-Waste collection, treatment and disposal activities; materials recovery
Number of employees
less than 50 employees
50 to 99 employees
100 to 249 employees
250 to 499 employees
500 employees and more
24-Centre-Val de Loire
44-Grand Est
52-Pays de la Loire
93-Paca et Corse
97-Départements d'outre-mer ENSEMBLE
Sector coverage
Establishments belong to sections B and C (division 05 to 33), to group 383 (recovery), excluding: subclasses 1013B, 1071B, 1071C, 1071D (commercial crafts), 2013A and 2446Z; excluding divisions 05, 06 and 19; excluding group 091.
Statistical concepts and definitions
The theme addressed is the different energies used by the establishments, in terms
of purchases (volume, value) and use by the establishment. The main energies observed
- electricity;
- steam and other heat transfer fluids;
- natural gas and other gases;
- coal, lignite, lean coal, coal coke, petroleum coke, butane, propane;
- heavy fuel oil, heating oil and other petroleum products;
- black liquor, wood;
- special renewable and non-renewable fuels.
Statistical unit
The interrogation unit is the establishment, identified by its SIRET number.
Statistical population
The population is composed of establishments with 20 or more employees, with at least
4 months of activity in 2015, and main activity code ('APET) corresponding to sections
B and C (division 05 to 33), to group 383 (materials recovery),
excluding: subclasses: 1013B, 1071B, 1071C, 1071D (commercial crafts), 2013A and 2446Z;
excluding divisions 05, 06 and 19;
outside group 091.
The sample includes approximately 8,500 establishments.
Time coverage
Year 2016