Producer cost indices for construction

Paru le :Paru le11/02/2025

Traitement statistique

Source data

The components of the producer costs for construction come from different statistical sources:

  • the Elaboration of annual statistics of companies (Esane scheme);

  • the comptability information from work construction projects provided by the construction companies of professional unions;

  • the Survey on observation of prices in industry and services;

  • the quaterly Labour costs produced by INSEE;

  • the Price collection indices produced by INSEE.

The elementary cost indices and associated weights were choosen and estimated by using two types of information: public statistics on construction companies and comptability information from work construction projects provided by the construction companies of professional unions (building construction and civil engineering). The weights are revised every five years according to the european scheme.

The elementary cost indices are:

  • the quarterly labour costs in construction sector, transport sector and specialised activities sector;

  • the elementary price indices in industry and in services from the Survey on observation of prices in industry and services;

  • the price collection indices in différent groups of products.

Frequency of data collection


Data collection

The monthly producer costs indices for construction are released on the third month of the quarter following the estimated quarter on the website

Survey unit

Legal unit