Producer cost indices for construction

Paru le :Paru le19/02/2025

Présentation statistique

Data description

The producer cost indices for construction were created according to the KLEMSTD theory set up by the economists of the productivity.

This theory consists in dividing the producer costs in seven items :

K for capital,

L for Labour,

E for energy,

M for Materials,

S for Services,

T for Transports

D for Detritus.

Each item is composed of simple and elementary cost index and an associated weight.

The elementary cost indices and associated weights were choosen and estimated by using two types of information : public statistics on construction companies and comptability information from work construction projects provided by the construction companies of professional unions (building construction and civil engineering). All the elementary cost indices come from public statistical sources.

The producer costs for construction are based in reference 100=a specific year (the mean of the values of the specific year has to be equal to 100) and they are estimated according to Laspeyres theory. The producer costs are rebased every five years according to european reglementation.

The choice of elementary cost indices and the estimation of associated weights are updated when the producer costs are rebased or at the request of professional unions.

Classification system

The producer costs in construction are released according to the French classification of activities.

Sector coverage

The producer costs in construction cover the entire sector of construction (F sector according to the Nace terminology) except two sub-sectors: 41.10 Development of buildings projects and 43.99 Renting of construction equipment with operator.

Statistical concepts and definitions

The producer costs for construction (reference 100=2015) are Laspeyres indices, the mean of the values of the indices are equal to 100 in 2015.

In June 2018, the producer costs were revised and were rebased in reference 100=2015. In the period from 1998 to 2015, aggregated indices were estimated using some weights dated from 2012. From 2016, weights are dated from 2015 and aggregated indices have been estimated with a connecting coefficient calculated on December 2015. This modification is asked by Eurostat in order to optimize the quality of the indices.

Time coverage

Monthly data available since January 1998 : the producer costs for construction were estimated retrospectively over the period from 1998 to 2014.

Base period

Year 2015.