Business start-ups
Traitement statistique
Source data
INSEE records the civil status of all enterprises and their establishments which are situated in metropolitan France and French Overseas Departments (DOM), regardless of their legal status and business sector. This information is recorded in the Sirene (Computer system for the business and establishment register) administrative directory.
The Sirus statistical register is the statistical complement to the Sirene administrative register. It includes statistical information, particularly of an economic nature, relating to enterprises and their establishments.
The Business Demography Information System (SIDE) draws on these two registers to provide information useful for monitoring the active population of enterprises, legal units and establishments.
This source of information - the Business Demography Information System (SIDE) - is used for the creation of business start-up series.
Frequency of data collection
Survey unit
Legal unit
Seasonal adjustment
To be able to compare the number of start-ups between different months, the number of enterprise births in each month is adjusted for seasonal variations (SA) and working days (WDA), via the X13-Arima procedure.
Business start-up series (excluding microentrepreneurs and micro-entrepreneurs registration series) are seasonally adjusted independently, for each sector. The SA-WDA “total” series is the sum of SA-WDA sectoral series.