Quarterly national accounts in Q3 2024 National accounts in base 2020 - Detailed figures

Detailed figures
Insee Résultats
Paru le :Paru le29/11/2024
Insee Résultats- November 2024

Households' consumption expenditure National accounts in base 2020 - Detailed figures

Detailed figures

Insee Résultats

Paru le :29/11/2024

Households' consumption expenditure

Product - Chain-linked volumes
(xls, 423 Ko)
Product - Current prices
(xls, 425 Ko)

Pre-engaged households' consumption expenditure

Current prices
(xls, 145 Ko)


Quarterly national accounts

Quarterly debt of the general government


Quarterly accounts are a consistent set of indicators which provides a global overview of recent economic activity.

Time series of the main aggregates of quarterly national accounts can be accessed through the "Summary". They are classified into eight categories:

  • Gross domestic product (GDP) and main economic aggregates;
  • Goods and services;
  • Households' consumption;
  • Foreign trade;
  • Activities;
  • Institutional sectors;
  • Households' income and purchasing power;
  • Public finances.

For each category, are available :

  • synthetic files displaying from the accounts the relevant information for economic analysis
  • sometimes, one or two files displaying all the data available.