Informations Rapides · 20 April 2023 · n° 99
Informations rapidesIn April 2023, manufacturers have expected less dynamism in their demand and selling prices Quarterly business survey (goods-producing industries) - April 2023

In April 2023, business leaders have expected their selling prices to slow down during the next three months. They have also considered that the demand in industrial products is less dynamic, both in the past quarter and in the three-month prospects. Production bottlenecks and hiring difficulties remain significant within the industrial sector.

Informations rapides
No 99
Paru le :Paru le20/04/2023
Prochaine parution le : 24/10/2024 at 08:45 - October 2024

Every three months (in January, April, July and October), the questionnaire of the monthly business survey in the goods-producing industries is enhanced by several questions completing the usual monthly questioning. Answers to these questions are therefore compared to those of three months ago and not to the results of last month, unlike the information presented in the other Informations Rapides on the business surveys.

In April 2023, business leaders have expected their selling prices to slow down during the next three months. They have also considered that the demand in industrial products is less dynamic, both in the past quarter and in the three-month prospects. Production bottlenecks and hiring difficulties remain significant within the industrial sector.

Overall demand in industrial products has been deemed less dynamic than three months ago

Business leaders’ opinion concerning the change in demand for the last and the next three months has deteriorated in April 2023. The balance of opinion related to the expected change in overall demand has gone back under its long-term average. However, business leaders’ opinion about the change in foreign demand has improved: both balances of opinion on the past and expected change have clearly rebounded and have shifted away from their respective averages.

Production bottlenecks remain significant

In April 2023, the share of companies at the limit of their production capacity is stable, at a high level: 44% have deemed that they would not be able to increase their production with their current means if they received more orders. Nevertheless, more business leaders than three months ago have considered their production capacities sufficient given the expected change in orders over the coming months. The associated balance of opinion has increased but remains lower than its average. The production capacity utilisation rate has slightly straightened up: at 82% it remains just under its average level.

The balance of opinion on the expected change in investment over the next three months has clearly rebounded.

Industrialists’ opinion: demand and production factors

Balance of opinion, in % SA
Industrialists’ opinion: demand and production factors (Balance of opinion, in % SA)
Manufacturing industry Average* July. 22 Oct. 22 Jan. 23 Apr. 23
Overall demand
Past change 1 5 13 6 3
Expected change 2 7 7 3 1
Foreign demand
Past change 2 10 16 7 12
Expected change 4 16 10 3 15
Production factors
Production bottlenecks (in %) 24 42 49 44 44
Assessment of productive capacity 13 0 -7 -6 1
Production capacity utilisation rate (in %) 83 82 81 81 82
Expected change in investments** 23 27 34 17 31
  • *: Long-term average since 1976, expect for the question on the expected change in investments (since 2021).
  • **: Non seasonally adjusted data, as this series has been only collected since 2021.
  • The results of the latest survey are preliminary.
  • Sources: INSEE – Quarterly business survey in industry

Hiring difficulties are still strong

In April 2023, hiring difficulties are still strong. 65% of business leaders have declared experiencing it, a slightly higher share than in January 2023 and close to the highest level reached by the series in July 2022 (67%).

Selling prices should slow down during the next three months

Business leaders have considered, on average, that their selling prices have increased by 1.6% since January 2023. For the next three months, they expect a slowdown in their prices: according to them they should grow by 0.6% on average in industry, i.e. the lowest quarterly forecast since April 2021.

The balance on the general prospects of change in hourly wages in industry has also folded back but remains well above its average.

The cash-flow situation of industrial enterprises has been deemed a bit more deteriorated than in January: the associated balance of opinion has moved away from its average.

Industrialists’ opinion: employment, competitive position, cash-flow and selling prices

Balance of opinion, in % SA
Industrialists’ opinion: employment, competitive position, cash-flow and selling prices (Balance of opinion, in % SA)
Manufacturing industry Average* July. 22 Oct. 22 Jan. 23 Apr. 23
Workforce size
Hiring difficulties (in %) 32 67 66 64 65
General wages expectations -38 -9 -2 -2 -23
Selling prices** and cash-flow
Past change in selling prices (in %) 0,3 3,4 1,4 1,2 1,6
Expected change in selling prices (in %) 0,2 1,4 1,5 1,9 0,6
Cash-flow problems -6 -6 -11 -7 -9
  • *: Long-term average since 1991, except for workforce change (since 1976) and for competitive position by market (since 1997).
  • **: For the changes in selling-prices, a quantitative question is asked quarterly in the business survey, in addition to the qualitative question asked monthly.
  • The results of the latest survey are preliminary.
  • Source: INSEE – Quarterly business survey in industry

Manufacturers have adjusted upwards their judgment on the annual evolution of their investments in 2023

In the manufacturing industry, less business leaders in April 2023 than in October 2022 estimate an increase of their investments in 2022. This decline is essentially due to the manufacture of transport equipment, where the balance of opinion has strongly dropped, whereas it has increased in the other sub-sectors.

Regarding the change in investments in 2023, manufacturers have made a second judgment on the expected change in their investments, after the one of October 2022. The associated balance of opinion has increased in most of the industrial sub-sectors, except for the manufacture of machinery and equipment goods.

Annual trend in investment

Balance of opinion, in %
Annual trend in investment (Balance of opinion, in %) - How to read this table: in the April 2023 survey, the balance of opinion of industrialists on the forecasted change in their investment between 2022 and 2023 is +39.
NA* : (A17) and [A38] Weights** (%) Between 2021 and 2022 Between 2022 and 2023
October 2022 estimation April 2023 estimation October 2022 forecast April 2023 forecast
CZ : Manufacturing Industry 100 % 38 33 31 39
C1 : Man. of food products and beverages 11 % 2 20 4 27
C3 : Machinery and equipment goods 24 % 50 53 51 33
C4 : Man. of transport equipment 22 % 56 14 44 63
C5 : Other industries 43 % 30 39 20 32
  • * NA: aggregated classification, based on the French classification of activities NAF rév.2.
  • ** Weights used to aggregate sub-sector's balances of opinion
  • How to read this table: in the April 2023 survey, the balance of opinion of industrialists on the forecasted change in their investment between 2022 and 2023 is +39.
  • Source: INSEE – Quarterly business survey in industry

For further information

The quarterly questions complete the monthly survey published in the version dated 20 April 2023, especially as regards demand and production factors.

A balance of opinion is calculated as the difference between the percentage of “increase” responses and the percentage of “decrease” responses.

Since the definitive data of April 2020, the way of correcting non-response has been modified. The usual method was to fill in missing answers by carrying on past answers from non-responding companies. Results are now computed on the sole basis of responding companies.

Answers to this survey have been collected from 27 March to 17 April 2023.

Additional information (simplified and detailed methodology, nomenclature, etc.) is available on the “Documentation” tab of the web page of this publication.

Next issue: 20 July 2023 at 8:45

Pour en savoir plus

The quarterly questions complete the monthly survey published in the version dated 20 April 2023, especially as regards demand and production factors.

A balance of opinion is calculated as the difference between the percentage of “increase” responses and the percentage of “decrease” responses.

Since the definitive data of April 2020, the way of correcting non-response has been modified. The usual method was to fill in missing answers by carrying on past answers from non-responding companies. Results are now computed on the sole basis of responding companies.

Answers to this survey have been collected from 27 March to 17 April 2023.

Additional information (simplified and detailed methodology, nomenclature, etc.) is available on the “Documentation” tab of the web page of this publication.

Next issue: 20 July 2023 at 8:45
