France, social portrait 2022 edition

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Paru le :Paru le20/04/2023
Kevin Diter (DEPS, Ined), Sylvie Octobre (DEPS)
France, portrait social- April 2023

Children under 6 years of age and digital screens: to each his own pace, according to the Elfe cohort

Kevin Diter (DEPS, Ined), Sylvie Octobre (DEPS)

Educational recommendations usually suggest to keep children under three years of age away from screens and to regulate their use very carefully in their daily lives until 6 years of age. The reality, as described by the Elfe cohort, is different: at the age of two, three children out of four are kept away from digital screens (excluding television), but by the age of three and a half, more than four out of ten use them regularly and more than one out of two by the age of five and a half. During the first six years of their lives, only four children out of ten are permanently kept away from digital screens and more than five out of ten increase, sometimes significantly, their screen time. Conversely, one child out of ten, whose screen time use was high at the age of two, saw their consumption decrease. These trajectories depend not only on the social characteristics of the families, in particular their economic and cultural resources, and of the presence of siblings, but also on the parents' screen use, whether individual or shared with the child before the age of three.

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Paru le :24/01/2023