Informations Rapides · 30 November 2022 · n° 317
Informations rapidesIn Q3 2022, services producer prices rose by 1.4% over a quarter and by 4.9% over a year Services producer price indices - third quarter 2022

In the third quarter of 2022, producer prices of services slowed down over a quarter (+1.4% after +2.3%). They decelerated for services sold to home businesses (+0.8% after +1.9%) and for those sold on foreign markets (+1.4% after +3.8%). However, prices sped up for services sold to households in France (+2.9% after +2.4%). Over a year, producer prices of services – for all markets – remained on a sharp rise (+4.9% after +5.2%).

Informations rapides
No 317
Paru le :Paru le30/11/2022

Producer price indices for all services

Producer price indices for all services
All markets Home businesses Households in France Export
2022-Q3 112.5 110.4 111.7 125.9
2022-Q2 111.0 109.5 108.6 124.2
2022-Q1 108.5 107.5 106.1 119.6
2021-Q4 107.7 106.6 105.8 118.1
2021-Q3 107.2 105.7 106.6 116.3
2021-Q2 105.5 105.1 104.3 110.0
2021-Q1 104.6 104.7 103.5 106.3
2020-Q4 104.1 104.6 103.4 102.6
2020-Q3 104.3 104.6 104.7 101.6
2020-Q2 103.7 104.3 103.1 102.1
2020-Q1 103.7 104.4 103.2 101.2
2019-Q4 103.6 104.2 103.4 101.0
2019-Q3 103.9 103.8 105.1 101.4
2019-Q2 103.1 103.6 103.0 100.4
2019-Q1 102.2 102.7 102.2 99.2
2018-Q4 102.1 102.6 101.8 99.8
2018-Q3 102.7 102.4 104.2 100.3
2018-Q2 101.9 102.2 102.3 99.2
2018-Q1 101.3 101.5 101.8 98.6
2017-Q4 101.2 101.6 101.1 98.9
2017-Q3 101.2 100.9 102.8 99.4
2017-Q2 100.9 101.0 101.0 99.7
2017-Q1 100.5 100.6 100.7 99.2
2016-Q4 100.5 100.8 100.2 99.3
2016-Q3 100.7 100.5 101.6 99.3
2016-Q2 100.3 100.6 100.0 98.5
2016-Q1 99.9 100.2 99.7 98.4
2015-Q4 100.0 100.4 99.5 99.5
2015-Q3 100.5 100.1 101.6 100.7
2015-Q2 99.9 99.9 99.6 99.8
2015-Q1 99.6 99.7 99.3 100.0

Producer price indices for all services

  • Source: INSEE

All markets: +1.4%

In the third quarter of 2022, producer prices of services slowed down over a quarter (+1.4% after +2.3%). They decelerated for services sold to home businesses (+0.8% after +1.9%) and for those sold on foreign markets (+1.4% after +3.8%). However, prices sped up for services sold to households in France (+2.9% after +2.4%). Over a year, producer prices of services – for all markets – remained on a sharp rise (+4.9% after +5.2%).

Services producer price indices for all markets (BtoAll*), by section

reference year: 2015
Services producer price indices for all markets (BtoAll*), by section (reference year: 2015)
French classification of activities – NAF rév. 2 Weight Indices Change in %
2022Q3 Q/Q-1 Q/Q-4
All services 1000 112.5 1.4 4.9
H : transportation and storage services 194 132.3 2.5 10.3
I : accommodation and food service activities 103 114.7 3.9 5.7
J : information and communication services 201 100.7 -0.2 1.5
L : real estate activities 136 108.8 0.6 2.5
M : professional, scientific and technical activities 191 108.1 0.6 3.3
N : administrative and support service activities 166 110.6 1.6 5.2
  • *BtoAll: business to all
  • The sector S "Other services" is not displayed due to its low economic weight.
  • Source: INSEE

Services sold to home businesses: +0.8%

In the third quarter of 2022, producer prices of services sold to home businesses decelerated over a quarter (+0.8% after +1.9%), but accelerated slightly over a year (+4.4% after +4.2%).

Services producer price indices: services sold to home businesses (BtoB*), by section

reference year: 2015
Services producer price indices: services sold to home businesses (BtoB*), by section (reference year: 2015)
French classification of activities – NAF rév. 2 Weight Indices Change in %
2022Q3 Q/Q-1 Q/Q-4
All services 1000 110.4 0.8 4.4
H : transportation and storage services 193 122.9 1.6 8.1
I : accommodation and food service activities 46 109.8 2.5 7.1
J : information and communication services 233 100.8 -0.4 1.4
L : real estate activities 95 115.3 0.8 4.4
M : professional, scientific and technical activities 214 107.2 0.3 3.2
N : administrative and support service activities 211 110.5 1.2 4.6
  • *BtoB: business to business
  • The sector S "Other services" is not displayed due to its low economic weight.
  • Source: INSEE

Deceleration of prices for transportation and storage services, for administrative and support service activities and for accommodation and food service activities

In the third quarter of 2022, prices for transportation and storage services slowed down over a quarter after an unprecedented rise in the previous quarter (+1.6% after +3.8%). In particular, prices for freight transport services by road decelerated over a quarter (+1.2% after +5.2%), but kept on a strong rise over a year (+11.5% after +10.8%). Year on year, prices for transportation and storage services rose by 8.1% (after +9.5%). These prices were 15% above their 2019 average level.

Prices for administrative and support service activities slowed down also in the third quarter of 2022 (+1.2% after +1.9%), notably those for rental and leasing services (+1.5% after +2.2%). However, prices for travel agency, tour operator and other reservation services and related services went up sharply, in accordance with the usual seasonal pattern (+12.6% after +10.7%). Year on year, prices for administrative and support service activities accelerated (+4.6% after +3.9%).

In the third quarter of 2022, prices for accommodation and food service activities decelerated over a quarter (+2.5% after +4.7%), due to the slowdown of prices for hotel and similar accommodation services (+3.3% after +17.7%). Year on year, prices for accommodation and food service activities remained on a strong rise (+7.1%, as in the previous quarter).

Moderate rise of prices for professional, scientific and technical activities

In the third quarter of 2022, prices for professional, scientific and technical activities rose slightly over a quarter (+0.3% after +1.2%). Prices for accounting, bookkeeping and auditing services and tax consulting services accelerated (+1.8% after +0.5%), but those for media representation services fell back, in accordance with the usual seasonal pattern (-11.6% after +15.1%). Year on year, prices for professional, scientific and technical activities accelerated again (+3.2%, after +2.7% and +1.6%).

Downturn of prices for information and communication services

In the third quarter of 2022, prices for information and communication services fell down over a quarter (-0.4% after +0.7%), due to the seasonal fall in prices for programming and broadcasting services (-8.2% after +11.7%). However, prices for information and communication services accelerated over a year (+1.4% after +0.9%).

Slight deceleration of prices for real estate activities over a quarter

In the third quarter of 2022, prices for real estate activities decelerated over a quarter (+0.8% after +1.1%), but sped up over a year (+4.4% after +3.5%).

Producer price indices of services sold to French businesses

Producer price indices of services sold to French businesses
H: transp. and storage I: accommod. and food J: info. and comm. L: real estate act. M: prof., scient. and tech. N: adm. and support
2022-Q3 122.9 109.8 100.8 115.3 107.2 110.5
2022-Q2 121.0 107.1 101.2 114.4 106.9 109.2
2022-Q1 116.6 102.3 100.5 113.2 105.6 107.2
2021-Q4 114.6 102.5 100.6 111.1 105.1 106.1
2021-Q3 113.7 102.5 99.4 110.4 103.9 105.6
2021-Q2 110.5 100.0 100.3 110.5 104.1 105.1
2021-Q1 109.9 98.8 99.9 110.0 103.9 104.9
2020-Q4 108.5 98.8 100.6 110.7 103.9 104.1
2020-Q3 108.6 100.9 100.1 111.6 103.2 104.5
2020-Q2 108.9 98.9 99.9 109.7 103.4 103.9
2020-Q1 108.5 101.0 100.5 110.0 103.4 103.9
2019-Q4 106.8 102.0 101.3 108.7 103.7 103.7
2019-Q3 107.0 101.8 100.9 107.5 103.0 103.7
2019-Q2 106.8 102.5 101.0 105.7 103.2 103.2
2019-Q1 105.5 99.6 100.2 105.3 102.0 103.1
2018-Q4 104.9 100.1 100.7 104.2 102.2 102.6
2018-Q3 105.1 99.5 100.7 103.6 101.5 102.8
2018-Q2 104.1 100.8 101.0 104.0 101.1 102.4
2018-Q1 102.6 99.1 100.2 103.3 101.0 102.0
2017-Q4 102.1 99.6 101.1 104.3 101.2 101.4
2017-Q3 101.5 98.0 100.0 103.1 100.4 101.2
2017-Q2 101.2 99.2 100.5 103.2 100.7 101.1
2017-Q1 100.7 97.7 100.1 102.8 100.8 100.6
2016-Q4 100.3 98.5 101.0 102.2 100.8 100.7
2016-Q3 100.4 97.9 100.1 102.9 100.3 100.6
2016-Q2 99.8 100.0 100.6 101.0 101.5 100.6
2016-Q1 99.4 97.4 100.2 100.7 101.4 100.3
2015-Q4 99.6 98.2 100.8 100.0 101.6 100.1
2015-Q3 100.4 104.2 99.8 99.8 99.5 99.9
2015-Q2 100.4 98.9 99.9 100.0 99.6 100.0
2015-Q1 99.6 98.7 99.6 100.2 99.4 99.9

Producer price indices of services sold to French businesses

  • Source: INSEE

Services sold to households in France: +2.9%

In the third quarter of 2022, producer prices of services sold to households in France accelerated over a quarter (+2.9% after +2.4%), due to the seasonal rise of prices for accommodation and food service activities (+4.4% after +1.9%) and to the acceleration of those for administrative and support service activities (+5.3% after +2.7%). Prices for transportation and storage services sold to households in France slowed down but remained on a sharp rise (+6.2% after +8.8%). Those for professional, scientific and technical activities went up by 1.0% (after +0.8%). Prices for real estate activities rose at the same pace as the previous quarter (+0.5%). Those for information and communication services rose slightly again (+0.2% after +0.3%). Year on year, producer prices of services sold to households in France accelerated again in the third quarter of 2022 (+4.8%, after +4.1% and +2.5%).

Services producer price indices: services sold to households in France (BtoC*), by section

reference year: 2015
Services producer price indices: services sold to households in France (BtoC*), by section (reference year: 2015)
French classification of activities – NAF rév. 2 Weight Indices Change in %
2022Q3 Q/Q-1 Q/Q-4
All services 1000 111.7 2.9 4.8
H : transportation and storage services 160 125.5 6.2 13.4
I : accommodation and food service activities 284 116.6 4.4 5.0
J : information and communication services 133 102.1 0.2 0.8
L : real estate activities 294 103.4 0.5 1.0
M : professional, scientific and technical activities 78 117.8 1.0 5.0
N : administrative and support service activities 37 107.0 5.3 5.6
  • *BtoC: business to consumer
  • The sector S "Other services" is not displayed due to its low economic weight.
  • Source: INSEE

Services sold on foreign markets: +1.4%

In the third quarter of 2022, exported services producer prices decelerated over a quarter (+1.4% after +3.8%), mainly due to the slowdown of those for transportation and storage services (+1.8% after +6.7%). In particular, prices for sea and coastal freight water transport services fell back (-1.3% after +6.7%), for the first time after two years of strong dynamism. Prices for export administrative and support service activities decelerated also (+2.0% after +2.8%). Those for professional, scientific and technical activities went up again (+1.0% after +1.1%), while those for information and communication services were almost unchanged (-0.1% after +1.7%). Year on year, exported services producer prices slowed down (+8.3% after +12.9%). These prices were 25% above their 2019 average level.

Services producer price indices: services sold on foreign markets (BtoE*), by section

reference year: 2015
Services producer price indices: services sold on foreign markets (BtoE*), by section (reference year: 2015)
French classification of activities – NAF rév. 2 Weight Indices Change in %
2022Q3 Q/Q-1 Q/Q-4
All services 1000 125.9 1.4 8.3
H : transportation and storage services 279 177.4 1.8 13.9
J : information and communication services 183 96.6 -0.1 2.9
M : professional, scientific and technical activities 323 105.9 1.0 3.0
N : administrative and support service activities 205 113.4 2.0 8.5
  • *BtoE: business to exports
  • The sectors I "Accommodation and food services", L "Real estate activities" and S "Other services" are not displayed due to their low economics weights.
  • Source: INSEE

The variation of producer price index for services sold to all markets in the second quarter 2022 has been revised upwards by 0.1 points: it now stands at +2.3%

The variation of producer price index for exported services in the second quarter 2022 has been revised upwards by 0.2 points (+3.8% instead of +3.6%), after taking into account late responses in land transport services and transport services via pipelines.

Revision of variations

in percentage points
Revision of variations (in percentage points) - How to read it: the variation of the producer prices of services sold to home businesses between the first quarter of 2022 and the second quarter of 2022 was unchanged (after rounding): +1.9% as it was published late in August 2022.
Services producer price indices 2021Q4/ 2021Q3 2022Q1/ 2021Q4 2022Q2/ 2022Q1
- services sold to all markets (BtoAll) // +0.1 +0.1
- services sold to home businesses (BtoB) // +0.2 //
- services sold to households in France (BtoC) // -0.2 //
- exported services (BtoE) -0.1 // +0.2
  • //: unrevised evolution (after rounding)
  • How to read it: the variation of the producer prices of services sold to home businesses between the first quarter of 2022 and the second quarter of 2022 was unchanged (after rounding): +1.9% as it was published late in August 2022.

For further information

Definition: Services producer prices indices (SPPI) measure the quarterly evolution of transaction prices, excluding VAT, of services sold by French businesses. They are calculated, by market and by product, based on the results of the survey « Observation of prices in industry and services » (Opise) operated by INSEE.

SPPI are calculated on four types of market segments:

- BtoB: business to business, corresponding to services sold to home businesses;

- BtoC: business to customer, corresponding to services sold to households in France;

- BtoE: business to exports, corresponding to services sold on foreign markets;

- BtoAll: business to all, corresponding to the aggregation of the three market segments BtoB, BtoC and BtoE.

Further information (methodological documentation, classification, etc.) is available by the “Documentation” tab on the web page of this publication.

Next publication: 28 February 2023 at 12.00 p.m.

Pour en savoir plus

Definition: Services producer prices indices (SPPI) measure the quarterly evolution of transaction prices, excluding VAT, of services sold by French businesses. They are calculated, by market and by product, based on the results of the survey « Observation of prices in industry and services » (Opise) operated by INSEE.

SPPI are calculated on four types of market segments:

- BtoB: business to business, corresponding to services sold to home businesses;

- BtoC: business to customer, corresponding to services sold to households in France;

- BtoE: business to exports, corresponding to services sold on foreign markets;

- BtoAll: business to all, corresponding to the aggregation of the three market segments BtoB, BtoC and BtoE.

Further information (methodological documentation, classification, etc.) is available by the “Documentation” tab on the web page of this publication.

Next publication: 28 February 2023 at 12.00 p.m.
