Informations Rapides · 12 August 2022 · n° 213
Informations rapidesConstruction of buildings indices, Civil engineering indices and miscellaneous indices for construction in June 2022 Building indices, Civil engineering indices and Various indices for Construction - June 2022

Informations rapides
No 213
Paru le :Paru le12/08/2022

Building indices

2010 = 100
Building indices (2010 = 100)
Heading April 2022 May 2022 June 2022
BT02 Earthworks 127.4 128.4 131.5
BT03 Masonry and concrete pipes (except frame, reinforced concrete, tiling, coatings and plastering) 128.0 130.2 130.6
BT06 Framework, reinforced concrete structures 123.7 124.7 125.7
BT07 Framework and metal frames 171.0 177.7 175.7
BT08 Plaster and prefabricated plaster 122.4 123.1 124.0
BT09 Ceramic coatings and tiles 118.7 120.9 121.2
BT10 Plastic coatings 123.3 123.7 125.2
BT11 Synthetic textile coatings 129.0 129.4 130.5
BT12 Natural textile coatings 129.5 129.4 130.4
BT14 Coatings in cut natural stone plate and similar products 123.8 124.7 125.7
BT16b Wood frame 129.2 131.7 133.6
BT18a Interior joinery 124.2 126.1 127.5
BT19b Exterior joinery 125.4 126.9 129.0
BT26 Plastic bay closing works including PVC window 123.7 127.0 127.2
BT27 Aluminium bay window closing works 148.3 149.0 149.4
BT28 Ferrous metals bay closing works 148.7 151.0 151.2
BT30 Schist slates roofing 131.8 134.1 134.3
BT32 Baked clay tiles roofing 130.5 131.8 132.0
BT33 Concrete tiles roofing 123.5 124.6 126.1
BT34 Zinc and metal roofing (except copper) 144.5 145.1 142.7
BT35 Asphalt shingles roofing 141.8 145.9 145.5
BT38 Sanitary plumbing (including apparatus) 126.1 127.6 127.8
BT40 Central heating (excluding electrical heating) 118.9 119.3 120.2
BT41 Ventilation and air conditioning 121.2 122.1 123.0
BT42 Joinery of steel and locksmiths 138.4 140.4 141.7
BT43 Aluminium alloy joinery 135.6 135.9 136.2
BT45 Glazing works - Mirror works 132.5 134.3 136.1
BT46 Painting, wall hanging, wall coverings 122.0 123.1 123.9
BT47 Electricity 119.1 119.8 120.8
BT48 Elevators 134.0 135.0 134.8
BT49 Ribbed sheet steel roofing and cladding with waterproofing membrane 134.7 135.9 137.8
BT50 All trades maintenance (in existing buildings) 124.2 125.3 126.2
BT51 PVC joinery 120.6 121.2 122.6
BT52 Exterior waterproofing coatings 144.7 148.2 149.0
BT53 Waterproofing works 130.7 133.8 136.3
BT54 Wood framework 126.9 129.0 131.3
BT01 (Construction of new buildings) All trades works 124.9 126.4 127.2
  • Source: INSEE

Civil engineering indices

2010 = 100
Civil engineering indices (2010 = 100)
Heading April 2022 May 2022 June 2022
TP02 New civil engineering and structure works, or renovation 131.0 133.3 132.2
TP03a Large-scale excavation works 120.9 121.7 124.3
TP03b Blasting works 118.4 120.9 122.9
TP04 Foundations and geotechnical works 131.3 134.0 134.1
TP05a Traditional underground works 126.2 128.2 127.7
TP05b Underground works in tunnel boring machines 126.1 127.2 126.6
TP06a Large-scale marine dredging 133.7 134.3 141.8
TP06b River dredging and small marine dredging 119.3 119.4 122.5
TP07b Civil works, concrete and steel for maritime works 153.5 158.7 161.4
TP08 Roads development works and maintenance 128.2 128.1 130.7
TP09 Making and implementation of mixes 141.7 140.0 143.8
TP10a Pipe works, sanitation and water supply. with supply of pipes 121.8 123.2 124.5
TP10b Pipe works, with no supply of pipes 121.1 121.3 122.3
TP10c Rehabilitation of non-visitable pipes 136.7 139.7 139.0
TP10d Heating and cooling networks with supply of pipes 117.8 117.8 119.9
TP11 Long-distance transport / transfer pipelines, pipes supplied 120.7 123.6 126.4
TP12a Energy and communication networking except fiber optics 121.7 122.4 123.9
TP12b Public lighting Installation works 121.6 122.3 125.4
TP12c Public lighting Maintenance works 117.4 117.9 118.9
TP12d Fiber optic networks 117.6 118.1 118.7
TP13 Carpentry and metal art works 137.2 137.3 138.8
TP14 Underwater works by divers 120.7 121.3 122.9
TP01 All works General index 126.6 127.3 129.1
  • Source: INSEE

Miscellaneous indices for construction

2010 = 100
Miscellaneous indices for construction (2010 = 100)
Heading April 2022 May 2022 June 2022
TRBT Road transport item of Building indices 123.4 124.6 128.4
TRTP Road transport item of Civil Engineering indices 115.1 115.1 115.1
MABTGO Equipment item of building structural works indices 121.0 121.1 122.0
MABTSO Equipment item of building finishing works indices 113.3 112.7 114.6
MATP Equipment item for civil engineering indices 113.4 113.2 113.3
FD Miscellaneous costs item of Building and Civil engineering indices 109.9 110.4 111.8
FG Provision of grains 170.0 151.1 151.1
FV Provision of plants 115.4 114.3 114.7
EV1 Plant covering 141.7 135.6 136.6
EV2 Application of phytosanitary products 112.1 112.7 113.7
EV3 Creation of greens 125.8 125.7 127.0
EV4 Maintenance of greens 126.2 128.3 130.1
PMR Road marking products 137.7 139.4 143.5
TSH Road marking works 130.0 131.0 134.7
DRR01 Supply of road restraint systems 189.5 185.1 182.5
DRR02 Supply and installation of road restraint systems 167.3 164.4 163.2
ING Engineering 126.1 126.8 127.9
  • Note: Indices “FG: Provision of grains" is quarterly.
  • Source: INSEE

Index for updating material assets in construction

Index for updating material assets in construction (2010=1)
Heading April 2022 May 2022 June 2022
IM Index for updating material assets in construction 1.4635 1.4610 1.4642
  • Note: The IM index goal is to update the value of equipment in absence of an available replacement value for the calculation of equipment use charges. It should not be confused with various index for construction "equipment item for civil engineering indices" (MATP) whose purpose is escalating contracts.
  • Source: INSEE

For more information


The Construction of buildings indices, Civil engineering indices, the Miscellaneous indices for construction and the index for updating material assets in construction are producer cost indices of different activities in the construction sector, mainly used for escalating contracts.

Calculation method

The Construction of Buildings indices and Civil engineering indices are costs indices of different activities in the construction sector, compiled from six items in an analytical accounting process similar to the “KLEMST” approach used by economists in relation to productivity (where K = capital for “assets”, L = labour, E = energy, M = materials, S = services for “miscellaneous costs”, T = transport). Each item is made up of basic indices issued from public statistics.


Businesses and local authorities can use these official indices published in the Journal Officiel for construction work bids, by selecting the activity that is closest to the subject of their bid. In contracts signed before the publication of the indices in the Journal Officiel of 16 January 2015 the former series have to be used until September 2014 inclusively, and, since October 2014 inclusively, the stopped series can be extended by multiplying the corresponding series by the connecting coefficient. The result is to be rounded off to one decimal place.

Next issue: 15 September 2022 at 12.00 p.m.

Pour en savoir plus
