Public works Indices (base 2010) 

Public works Indices (TP)

Paru le :Paru le17/09/2024


In application of the Decree 2014-114 of 7th February 2014 and the circular of 16th May 2014 (BOAC 60 September-October 2014), the project management of the national Building indices (BT), Civil Engineering indices (TP) and various indices for construction has been transferred to INSEE. The "new base (2010)" of building indices (BT), civil engineering indices (TP) and various indices for construction was announced in the Official Journal of December 2th, 2014 and published on January 16th, 2015 in reference 2010 from January 2010 to October 2014.

The change in base means a change in reference (average 2010 = 100), but also an update of the weights and methodological conventions.

These indices are used for updates and revisions to construction contracts prices. Its are not subject to review.

In application of the Decree 2014-114 of 7th February 2014 and the circular of 16th May 2014 (BOAC 60 September-October 2014) the project management of the national index Building, Public Works and various construction index is transferred to INSEE.