Informations Rapides · 21 October 2021 · n° 271
Informations rapidesIn October 2021, demand in manufacturing has remained strong but sourcing difficulties have become widespread Quarterly business survey (goods-producing industries) - October 2021

In October 2021, the balances of opinion of manufacturers related to the demand they receive has remained at a high level. The proportion of companies declaring that they are limited in their production because of a lack of demand only has indeed diminished a lot compared to last July. However, even more enterprises than in July have reported experiencing supply difficulties. The proportion of enterprises whose production has been limited by sourcing difficulties has reached 45%, a level unseen since the series exists (1991). Manufaturers expect their selling prices to increase over the next three months, faster than during the past quarters.

Informations rapides
No 271
Paru le :Paru le21/10/2021
Prochaine parution le : 24/10/2024 at 08:45 - October 2024

Since October 2021, new qualitative questions on investment have been introduced on a quarterly, half-yearly or annual basis, as part of the harmonisation of European business tendency surveys. At the same time and in return, as announced at the release of its last edition on the 26 August 2021, the quarterly survey on investments in industry has been stopped as it was. For comparable questions, the series have been backcast from the individual responses to this former survey. Moreover, several questions have been removed, among the least used for short-term economic analysis, in order to alleviate the statistical response burden on companies. Further details are available in the "Documentation" tab.

In October 2021, the balances of opinion of manufacturers related to the demand they receive has remained at a high level. The proportion of companies declaring that they are limited in their production because of a lack of demand only has indeed diminished a lot compared to last July. However, even more enterprises than in July have reported experiencing supply difficulties. The proportion of enterprises whose production has been limited by sourcing difficulties has reached 45%, a level unseen since the series exists (1991). Manufaturers expect their selling prices to increase over the next three months, faster than during the past quarters.

The demand for industrial goods has remained strong

In October 2021, the manufacturers' opinion regarding the development in demand has remained very favourable. The balance on the past variation in the overall demand has barely dropped and remains well above its average. The balance on the expected overall demand, slightly on the rise, has also remained well above its own average.

Business managers have been almost as numerous as in July, and far more than on average, to anticipate a rise in the foreign demand over the next three months. Moreover, they remain as optimistic as in July regarding the general exportation prospects for the whole industrial sector. Conversely, the balance of opinion on the past foreign demand has slipped down sharply, while remaining at a high level.

Effectively, the proportion of companies declaring that their production is limited by a lack of demand only has distinctly diminished this month. At 10%, it stands at the lowest since the series exists (1991).

Opinion on global demand

Opinion on global demand
Past change Expected change
1998-Q1 26.6 14.4
1998-Q2 18.5 12.4
1998-Q3 17.8 11.9
1998-Q4 12.1 0.3
1999-Q1 4.5 -1.3
1999-Q2 -2.1 2.4
1999-Q3 13.2 11.9
1999-Q4 23.7 21.9
2000-Q1 30.1 15.1
2000-Q2 32.7 18.1
2000-Q3 28.8 20.4
2000-Q4 33.1 22.7
2001-Q1 11.8 15.3
2001-Q2 9.0 2.8
2001-Q3 -0.5 1.1
2001-Q4 -11.9 -13.3
2002-Q1 -24.0 -4.6
2002-Q2 -10.5 5.4
2002-Q3 -7.9 -1.8
2002-Q4 -18.8 -6.6
2003-Q1 -6.5 -1.6
2003-Q2 -22.2 -10.8
2003-Q3 -19.7 -7.8
2003-Q4 -8.7 1.4
2004-Q1 -0.2 7.5
2004-Q2 9.6 9.1
2004-Q3 12.9 10.1
2004-Q4 9.0 14.4
2005-Q1 16.2 6.3
2005-Q2 -3.6 1.3
2005-Q3 2.1 5.5
2005-Q4 3.3 10.0
2006-Q1 14.1 7.4
2006-Q2 16.5 12.9
2006-Q3 13.3 9.4
2006-Q4 16.3 13.7
2007-Q1 12.6 10.6
2007-Q2 17.6 10.3
2007-Q3 22.9 14.6
2007-Q4 18.2 16.0
2008-Q1 15.8 13.8
2008-Q2 15.2 9.0
2008-Q3 -8.4 -13.1
2008-Q4 -21.4 -24.3
2009-Q1 -42.9 -36.4
2009-Q2 -52.6 -27.7
2009-Q3 -23.7 -11.8
2009-Q4 -11.6 -1.8
2010-Q1 8.7 -0.1
2010-Q2 6.5 2.1
2010-Q3 18.2 1.3
2010-Q4 17.5 10.9
2011-Q1 24.2 10.1
2011-Q2 21.4 8.6
2011-Q3 14.5 6.3
2011-Q4 1.2 -4.1
2012-Q1 -5.0 -7.4
2012-Q2 -2.2 3.4
2012-Q3 -16.1 -9.5
2012-Q4 -16.5 -7.5
2013-Q1 -16.2 -8.2
2013-Q2 -23.7 -4.3
2013-Q3 -10.3 -5.2
2013-Q4 -2.0 1.6
2014-Q1 2.0 2.8
2014-Q2 6.6 6.3
2014-Q3 -5.7 3.5
2014-Q4 -2.1 3.4
2015-Q1 -4.2 0.8
2015-Q2 4.5 6.4
2015-Q3 1.0 4.9
2015-Q4 5.5 6.9
2016-Q1 1.6 4.0
2016-Q2 13.5 7.5
2016-Q3 11.6 4.7
2016-Q4 4.9 7.7
2017-Q1 10.9 7.4
2017-Q2 10.9 8.5
2017-Q3 16.2 10.9
2017-Q4 18.8 17.8
2018-Q1 20.7 16.2
2018-Q2 18.2 13.2
2018-Q3 9.0 8.9
2018-Q4 -0.6 7.9
2019-Q1 1.3 11.1
2019-Q2 3.2 3.0
2019-Q3 -1.8 2.2
2019-Q4 3.2 1.3
2020-Q1 -2.8 5.1
2020-Q2 -26.1 -65.6
2020-Q3 -44.2 6.4
2020-Q4 6.9 -2.1
2021-Q1 -5.2 -4.0
2021-Q2 9.4 7.6
2021-Q3 21.9 16.5
2021-Q4 19.9 17.9

Opinion on global demand

  • Source: INSEE

Supply difficulties have become widespread

Even more business managers than in July are experiencing supply difficulties preventing them from increasing their production as they would like. The proportion of companies declaring difficulties of supply only has again risen and reached 50%, a level unseen since the beginning of the series (1991).

Sourcing difficulties weigh heavily in this unprecedented situation. The proportion of companies whose production has been limited by sourcing problems has grown in all industrial sectors. It had already reached a high point in July 2021, and has hit a new one in October. In the branch of transport equipment, the enterprises suffering from sourcing difficulties represent almost three quarters of the production.

At 82%, the production capacity utilisation rate is stable and nearly at its long term average level. Many enterprises are at the limit of their production capacity: 42% of enterprises deem that they could not increase their production with their current means if they received more orders. This proportion has been slighlty on the rise since last July and stands at its highest level since the series exists (1976). Likewise, fewer business managers than in the previous quarter consider their production capacity as sufficient given the expected development in orders over the next three months: the related balance has fallen for the third consecutive quarter.

Industrialists’ opinion: demand and production factors

Balance of opinion, in % SA
Industrialists’ opinion: demand and production factors (Balance of opinion, in % SA)
Manufacturing industry Mean Jan. 21 Apr. 21 Jul. 21 Oct. 21
Overall demand
Past change 0 -5 9 22 20
Expected change 2 -4 8 16 18
Foreign demand
Past change 2 -15 5 31 18
Expected change 3 -9 5 17 16
Production factors
Production bottlenecks (in %) 23 27 31 40 42
Assessment of productive capacity 13 18 15 8 5
Production capacity utilisation rate (in %) 83 79 80 82 82
Obstacles to production increase (en %) **
Difficulties of supply and demand 9 18 14 9 10
Sourcing difficulties 10 14 26 35 45
Difficulties of supply only 21 17 30 39 50
Difficulties of demand only 41 27 21 22 10
  • * : Long-term average since 1976, expect forobstacles to production increase (since 1991).
  • The results of the latest survey are preliminary
  • Sources : INSEE – Quarterly business survey in industry

Production capacity utilisation rate

Production capacity utilisation rate
Production capacity utilisation rate
1998-Q1 83.0
1998-Q2 83.3
1998-Q3 84.6
1998-Q4 83.3
1999-Q1 84.0
1999-Q2 83.0
1999-Q3 83.5
1999-Q4 84.3
2000-Q1 83.8
2000-Q2 85.0
2000-Q3 85.5
2000-Q4 86.1
2001-Q1 86.2
2001-Q2 85.8
2001-Q3 84.9
2001-Q4 84.2
2002-Q1 84.1
2002-Q2 85.0
2002-Q3 84.1
2002-Q4 83.3
2003-Q1 83.4
2003-Q2 82.7
2003-Q3 82.6
2003-Q4 82.2
2004-Q1 82.7
2004-Q2 82.6
2004-Q3 82.7
2004-Q4 82.9
2005-Q1 82.7
2005-Q2 82.5
2005-Q3 82.8
2005-Q4 82.3
2006-Q1 83.4
2006-Q2 84.2
2006-Q3 85.1
2006-Q4 85.5
2007-Q1 84.9
2007-Q2 85.9
2007-Q3 85.9
2007-Q4 86.6
2008-Q1 86.4
2008-Q2 85.5
2008-Q3 84.9
2008-Q4 83.1
2009-Q1 75.5
2009-Q2 72.2
2009-Q3 73.3
2009-Q4 75.4
2010-Q1 75.2
2010-Q2 77.4
2010-Q3 77.9
2010-Q4 79.5
2011-Q1 80.8
2011-Q2 82.6
2011-Q3 82.5
2011-Q4 82.6
2012-Q1 81.3
2012-Q2 81.4
2012-Q3 80.5
2012-Q4 80.3
2013-Q1 81.0
2013-Q2 80.4
2013-Q3 80.2
2013-Q4 80.4
2014-Q1 80.7
2014-Q2 80.4
2014-Q3 81.9
2014-Q4 80.8
2015-Q1 80.9
2015-Q2 82.3
2015-Q3 82.0
2015-Q4 82.3
2016-Q1 81.0
2016-Q2 82.3
2016-Q3 83.5
2016-Q4 83.0
2017-Q1 84.0
2017-Q2 83.8
2017-Q3 84.6
2017-Q4 84.6
2018-Q1 85.8
2018-Q2 85.2
2018-Q3 85.4
2018-Q4 85.1
2019-Q1 84.9
2019-Q2 84.6
2019-Q3 83.8
2019-Q4 83.1
2020-Q1 82.8
2020-Q2 60.5
2020-Q3 74.5
2020-Q4 77.4
2021-Q1 78.9
2021-Q2 79.9
2021-Q3 82.2
2021-Q4 82.0

Production capacity utilisation rate

  • Source: INSEE

Selling prices have further increased

Manufacturers had already reported a sharp increase in their selling prices during the first half-year; they have drawn the same conclusion in October. Over the last three months selling prices would appear to have increased by +1.7% on average. The average of this indicator since 1991 is only +0.2%. In addition, business managers estimate that their selling prices should increase by +1.1% over the next three months, i.e. more than the +0.8% increase they anticipated in July 2021, for the July-September period.

Hiring difficulties have increased again

The balances relating to the change in workforce size over the last three months and over the next three months have again increased sharply and are further surpassing their long-term average. In the same time, the proportion of enterprises experiencing recruitment difficulties has grown again and stands now at 57%, against 44% last July, well above its long-term average (30%).

The competitive position of French enterprises would appear to have deteriorated slightly on the European market

Asked about the change in their competitive position, business managers have declared that it have deteriorated slightly on the European market. On the national market and on the foreign markets outside the European Union, their opinion has been virtually unchanged. All of these balances of opinion stand above their average.

Opinion on workforce size in the manufacturing industry

Opinion on workforce size in the manufacturing industry
Expected change Past change
1998-01 -6.5 -1.4
1998-02 NaN NaN
1998-03 NaN NaN
1998-04 -6.1 2.3
1998-05 NaN NaN
1998-06 NaN NaN
1998-07 -5.3 1.0
1998-08 NaN NaN
1998-09 NaN NaN
1998-10 -6.6 -2.3
1998-11 NaN NaN
1998-12 NaN NaN
1999-01 -7.1 -4.0
1999-02 NaN NaN
1999-03 NaN NaN
1999-04 -8.7 -7.1
1999-05 NaN NaN
1999-06 NaN NaN
1999-07 -5.7 -6.7
1999-08 NaN NaN
1999-09 NaN NaN
1999-10 1.6 6.4
1999-11 NaN NaN
1999-12 NaN NaN
2000-01 7.2 5.9
2000-02 NaN NaN
2000-03 NaN NaN
2000-04 6.0 7.2
2000-05 NaN NaN
2000-06 NaN NaN
2000-07 10.8 13.6
2000-08 NaN NaN
2000-09 NaN NaN
2000-10 13.0 14.8
2000-11 NaN NaN
2000-12 NaN NaN
2001-01 9.9 17.4
2001-02 NaN NaN
2001-03 NaN NaN
2001-04 6.2 10.4
2001-05 NaN NaN
2001-06 NaN NaN
2001-07 0.5 6.6
2001-08 NaN NaN
2001-09 NaN NaN
2001-10 -10.4 -0.5
2001-11 NaN NaN
2001-12 NaN NaN
2002-01 -11.9 -8.3
2002-02 NaN NaN
2002-03 NaN NaN
2002-04 -8.1 -8.9
2002-05 NaN NaN
2002-06 NaN NaN
2002-07 -7.1 -9.6
2002-08 NaN NaN
2002-09 NaN NaN
2002-10 -13.4 -13.0
2002-11 NaN NaN
2002-12 NaN NaN
2003-01 -9.4 -15.6
2003-02 -17.6 -16.7
2003-03 -17.4 -14.2
2003-04 -18.2 -13.3
2003-05 -17.9 -17.3
2003-06 -23.3 -15.6
2003-07 -21.8 -18.1
2003-08 -21.7 -17.2
2003-09 -21.9 -16.3
2003-10 -20.4 -19.3
2003-11 -21.2 -19.1
2003-12 -21.1 -18.5
2004-01 -16.1 -17.4
2004-02 -17.8 -15.9
2004-03 -14.0 -15.1
2004-04 -12.8 -13.7
2004-05 -11.2 -13.5
2004-06 -13.0 -13.3
2004-07 -12.9 -12.5
2004-08 -12.3 -11.8
2004-09 -12.0 -11.0
2004-10 -12.0 -10.4
2004-11 -15.9 -9.1
2004-12 -15.9 -12.2
2005-01 -14.7 -11.1
2005-02 -15.5 -12.4
2005-03 -12.7 -12.5
2005-04 -16.9 -15.1
2005-05 -17.0 -12.8
2005-06 -15.2 -12.1
2005-07 -12.7 -12.8
2005-08 -12.3 -12.4
2005-09 -12.7 -12.1
2005-10 -14.4 -10.4
2005-11 -11.6 -9.7
2005-12 -11.8 -9.5
2006-01 -11.9 -9.8
2006-02 -9.1 -9.8
2006-03 -8.4 -7.3
2006-04 -8.1 -7.4
2006-05 -7.8 -5.5
2006-06 -7.7 -3.2
2006-07 -6.2 -3.0
2006-08 -5.7 -3.0
2006-09 -6.6 -3.1
2006-10 -6.2 -0.8
2006-11 -5.7 -4.4
2006-12 -4.3 -4.5
2007-01 -2.6 -5.2
2007-02 -3.0 -1.3
2007-03 -3.6 -0.3
2007-04 -2.1 2.1
2007-05 -1.9 2.6
2007-06 -1.9 2.4
2007-07 -3.8 0.7
2007-08 -1.0 0.9
2007-09 -0.4 1.2
2007-10 1.8 2.8
2007-11 2.3 3.6
2007-12 2.5 4.3
2008-01 2.1 5.0
2008-02 1.4 2.7
2008-03 0.0 5.5
2008-04 0.0 3.8
2008-05 -4.9 -0.2
2008-06 -6.6 -2.1
2008-07 -9.4 -3.3
2008-08 -12.6 -5.4
2008-09 -15.0 -7.1
2008-10 -18.3 -8.2
2008-11 -29.3 -19.0
2008-12 -37.0 -23.7
2009-01 -34.9 -25.8
2009-02 -38.0 -31.4
2009-03 -40.7 -33.3
2009-04 -37.7 -34.2
2009-05 -35.6 -38.1
2009-06 -35.7 -38.5
2009-07 -30.5 -38.1
2009-08 -28.4 -32.0
2009-09 -27.4 -33.6
2009-10 -25.5 -31.1
2009-11 -22.6 -26.5
2009-12 -21.7 -25.1
2010-01 -18.6 -24.2
2010-02 -17.8 -21.2
2010-03 -17.3 -19.5
2010-04 -16.0 -18.2
2010-05 -12.2 -12.7
2010-06 -10.4 -10.0
2010-07 -9.5 -9.4
2010-08 -9.1 -7.5
2010-09 -2.7 -6.4
2010-10 -3.3 -3.8
2010-11 -1.6 0.3
2010-12 0.8 0.0
2011-01 1.5 -1.0
2011-02 3.6 1.8
2011-03 5.0 6.8
2011-04 2.0 7.1
2011-05 4.3 8.7
2011-06 7.2 11.5
2011-07 3.8 9.3
2011-08 -2.1 5.7
2011-09 -3.6 -0.1
2011-10 -7.3 1.9
2011-11 -8.3 0.0
2011-12 -12.7 -0.7
2012-01 -7.4 -2.6
2012-02 -9.7 -5.6
2012-03 -7.2 -2.6
2012-04 -7.6 -3.1
2012-05 -10.8 -4.5
2012-06 -12.7 -6.6
2012-07 -12.2 -6.3
2012-08 -15.4 -9.6
2012-09 -20.2 -14.2
2012-10 -17.1 -10.6
2012-11 -20.2 -16.6
2012-12 -19.0 -16.4
2013-01 -13.5 -12.0
2013-02 -18.0 -15.4
2013-03 -20.6 -16.4
2013-04 -15.2 -12.0
2013-05 -19.1 -15.6
2013-06 -21.0 -17.6
2013-07 -16.2 -13.4
2013-08 -16.5 -15.1
2013-09 -15.5 -12.5
2013-10 -12.1 -12.2
2013-11 -13.9 -12.8
2013-12 -11.4 -9.8
2014-01 -12.0 -10.3
2014-02 -12.9 -11.3
2014-03 -12.0 -10.7
2014-04 -11.7 -9.2
2014-05 -11.4 -8.0
2014-06 -12.2 -9.4
2014-07 -10.3 -5.6
2014-08 -12.8 -9.5
2014-09 -13.6 -9.4
2014-10 -12.7 -10.1
2014-11 -13.7 -11.0
2014-12 -12.8 -13.1
2015-01 -12.8 -11.6
2015-02 -11.3 -12.0
2015-03 -10.4 -9.8
2015-04 -9.8 -8.1
2015-05 -10.4 -8.1
2015-06 -8.9 -8.9
2015-07 -9.6 -8.0
2015-08 -8.9 -7.0
2015-09 -6.7 -7.7
2015-10 -8.6 -7.8
2015-11 -4.8 -6.1
2015-12 -6.9 -8.8
2016-01 -6.0 -7.3
2016-02 -7.5 -7.5
2016-03 -6.1 -5.7
2016-04 -7.6 -6.2
2016-05 -6.2 -4.4
2016-06 -6.3 -5.1
2016-07 -7.1 -6.5
2016-08 -8.8 -4.5
2016-09 -5.0 -7.3
2016-10 -3.3 -5.6
2016-11 -3.5 -3.5
2016-12 -3.2 -0.5
2017-01 -5.4 -3.7
2017-02 -3.5 -1.4
2017-03 -1.9 0.7
2017-04 -4.1 -3.0
2017-05 -2.5 -1.2
2017-06 -3.1 -1.2
2017-07 -1.5 0.1
2017-08 -0.9 -0.7
2017-09 -0.2 -1.7
2017-10 1.0 2.3
2017-11 3.3 2.1
2017-12 1.4 5.6
2018-01 3.2 4.9
2018-02 4.6 3.9
2018-03 5.0 3.4
2018-04 3.8 3.7
2018-05 3.1 3.5
2018-06 4.1 3.2
2018-07 1.0 2.6
2018-08 1.6 0.4
2018-09 1.5 1.8
2018-10 0.8 0.2
2018-11 -0.6 -1.6
2018-12 4.0 1.4
2019-01 0.5 0.6
2019-02 0.1 0.7
2019-03 0.6 2.5
2019-04 1.9 6.4
2019-05 0.2 2.0
2019-06 -0.8 1.2
2019-07 -1.8 0.9
2019-08 -0.8 0.3
2019-09 1.9 2.5
2019-10 -2.0 -1.4
2019-11 -1.3 -1.2
2019-12 -0.5 -2.1
2020-01 -2.0 -2.1
2020-02 -2.0 -1.8
2020-03 -4.3 -2.9
2020-04 -32.4 -10.1
2020-05 -26.0 -24.2
2020-06 -20.0 -29.2
2020-07 -15.3 -25.9
2020-08 -15.5 -22.8
2020-09 -13.5 -17.4
2020-10 -13.8 -15.6
2020-11 -14.4 -8.9
2020-12 -10.9 -9.1
2021-01 -6.7 -8.5
2021-02 -8.3 -10.4
2021-03 -3.5 -5.6
2021-04 -6.1 -10.3
2021-05 -1.0 -5.8
2021-06 4.2 -4.7
2021-07 6.3 -1.2
2021-08 8.5 -0.6
2021-09 10.1 -2.2
2021-10 10.2 5.0

Opinion on workforce size in the manufacturing industry

  • Source: INSEE.

Industrialists’ opinion: employment, competitive position, cash-flow and selling prices

Balance of opinion, in % SA
Industrialists’ opinion: employment, competitive position, cash-flow and selling prices (Balance of opinion, in % SA)
Manufacturing industry Mean Jan. 21 Apr. 21 Jul. 21 Oct. 21
Workforce size
Past change -10 -9 -10 -1 5
Expected change -12 -7 -6 6 10
Hiring difficulties (in %) 30 29 39 44 57
Selling prices and cash-flow
Past change in selling prices (in %) 0,2 0,1 1,7 1,6 1,7
Expected change in selling prices (in %) 0,2 0,1 0,8 0,8 1,1
Cash-flow problems (in %) 1
Competitive position
On the domestic market 1 -1 5 6 5
On foreign markets inside EU -2 -3 -3 2 -1
On foreign markets outside EU -2 -4 -2 0 1
General exportation expectations -9 -18 -8 8 8
  • * : Long-term average since 1991, except for workforce change (since 1976) and for competitive position by market (since 1997).
  • The results of the latest survey are preliminary
  • A quantitative question is asked about selling prices.
  • Source : INSEE – Quarterly business survey in industry

Rising investments in 2021

In the good-producing industries, slightly more manufacturers in October 2021 than in April have announced a rise in their investiments in 2021. In the other transport equipment, the related balance of opinion has vigorously improved. Conversely, in the motor vehicles sector, far fewer manufacturers than in April have announced a rise in their investment in 2021.

Concerning 2022, manufacturers have expressed a first judgment on the expected trend in their investment: the associated balance of opinion is at this stage close to the one related to the change in investment in 2021. In the other transport equipment, however, investment should increase significantly in 2022 compared to 2021.

For the year 2021, technical factors come at the top of the factors encouraging manufacturers to invest. In addition, business managers have been much less numerous than in October 2020 to indicate that the financing conditions have been an incentive to invest in 2021. Regarding 2022, business managers anticipate that demand should encourage them to invest more than in 2021.

Replacing worn-out installations or equipment is the purpose of investment most often mentioned in 2021. In addition, the share of investment decisions aimed at modernising and streamlining production has increased markedly between the forecast of October 2020 and that of October 2021, at the expense of investment aimed at expanding the productive capacity. Finally, in 2022, the economic motivations for investment should be very similar to those in 2021.

Annual trend in investment

Balance of opinion, in %
Annual trend in investment (Balance of opinion, in %) - How to read this table: in the October 2021 survey, the balance of opinion of industrialists on the forecasted change in their investment between 2021 and 2022 is +28.
NA* : (A17) and [A38] Between 2020 and 2021 Between 2021 and 2022
April 2021 forecast October 2021 estimation October 2021 forecast
CZ: Manufacturing Industry 20 27 28
C1: Man. of food products and beverages 13 32 19
C3: Machinery and equipment goods 58 38 37
C4: Man. of transport equipment 11 13 33
CL1: Motor vehicles 57 8 4
CL2: Other transport equipment -39 18 65
C5: Other industries 10 29 23
  • * NA: aggregated classification, based on the French classification of activities NAF rév.2.
  • How to read this table: in the October 2021 survey, the balance of opinion of industrialists on the forecasted change in their investment between 2021 and 2022 is +28.
  • Source: INSEE – Quarterly business survey in industry

Factors stimulating investment

In % of total answers
Factors stimulating investment (In % of total answers) - How to read this table: according to the October 2021 survey, 12% of the industrialists who are expecting to invest in 2022 say that financial conditions prompt them to do it.
Manufacturing Industry Average over 2001-2020 of estimations In 2021 In 2022
October 2020 forecast October 2021 estimation October 2021 forecast
Demand 71 70 55 62
Financial conditions 27 41 11 12
Technical factors 64 69 63 64
Other factors 27 47 23 23
  • How to read this table: according to the October 2021 survey, 12% of the industrialists who are expecting to invest in 2022 say that financial conditions prompt them to do it.
  • Source: INSEE – Quarterly business survey in industry

Breakdown of the purpose of investment

In % of total answers
Breakdown of the purpose of investment (In % of total answers) - How to read this table: according to the October 2021 survey, 36% of the investment decisions in the manufacturing industry for 2022 would aim at replacing equipment.
Manufacturing Industry Average over 2001-2020 of estimations In 2021 In 2022
October 2020 forecast October 2021 estimation October 2021 forecast
Replacing worn-out installations or equipment 36 35 37 36
Extending the productive capacity 27 28 18 19
Modernising, streamlining production 22 18 29 30
Other purposes (tackling pollution, security, etc.) 14 18 16 15
  • How to read this table: according to the October 2021 survey, 36% of the investment decisions in the manufacturing industry for 2022 would aim at replacing equipment.
  • Source: INSEE – Quarterly business survey in industry

For further information

The quarterly questions complete the monthly survey published in the version dated 20 October 2021, especially as regards demand and production factors.

A balance of opinion is calculated as the difference between the percentage of “increase” responses and the percentage of “decrease” responses.

Since the definitive data of April 2020, the way of correcting non-response has been modified. The usual method was to fill in missing answers by carrying on past answers from non-responding companies. Results are now computed on the sole basis of responding companies.

Answers to this survey have been collected from 27 September 2021 to 18 October 2021.

Additional information (simplified and detailed methodology, nomenclature, etc.) is available on the “Documentation” tab of the web page of this publication.

Next issue: 20 January 2021 at 8:45 am

Pour en savoir plus

The quarterly questions complete the monthly survey published in the version dated 20 October 2021, especially as regards demand and production factors.

A balance of opinion is calculated as the difference between the percentage of “increase” responses and the percentage of “decrease” responses.

Since the definitive data of April 2020, the way of correcting non-response has been modified. The usual method was to fill in missing answers by carrying on past answers from non-responding companies. Results are now computed on the sole basis of responding companies.

Answers to this survey have been collected from 27 September 2021 to 18 October 2021.

Additional information (simplified and detailed methodology, nomenclature, etc.) is available on the “Documentation” tab of the web page of this publication.

Next issue: 20 January 2021 at 8:45 am
