Informations Rapides · 22 January 2021 · n° 019
Informations rapidesIn 2019, leasing is still progressing Annual financial lease survey - year 2019

In 2019, new investments financed by leasing and by lease with purchase option (LOA) are still increasing. They have reached €37.1 billion in value, i.e. a rise of +10.3% on 2018. This amount also represents 1.5% of gross domestic product (GDP) for 2019.

LOA activity somehow slows down but still remains dynamic with households, reaching €10.2 billion (+6.7%, after +26.1% in 2018), whereas leasing activities for businesses accelerate (+11.7% after +7.5% en 2018). Thus they total €26.9 million in 2019.

The dynamic of company leasing is mainly driven by real estate leasing (€4.9 billion, i.e. +12.5%) and even more, by the developments in equipment leasing (€18.2 million, +15.2%). LOA with businesses decreases slightly (€3.8 million, –3.4%).

Informations rapides
No 019
Paru le :Paru le22/01/2021

In 2019, new investments financed by leasing and by lease with purchase option (LOA) are still increasing. They have reached €37.1 billion in value, i.e. a rise of +10.3% on 2018. This amount also represents 1.5% of gross domestic product (GDP) for 2019.

LOA activity somehow slows down but still remains dynamic with households, reaching €10.2 billion (+6.7%, after +26.1% in 2018), whereas leasing activities for businesses accelerate (+11.7% after +7.5% en 2018). Thus they total €26.9 million in 2019.

The dynamic of company leasing is mainly driven by real estate leasing (€4.9 billion, i.e. +12.5%) and even more, by the developments in equipment leasing (€18.2 million, +15.2%). LOA with businesses decreases slightly (€3.8 million, –3.4%).

Main products financed by equipment leasing

% of total
  • Source: INSEE - Annual leasing survey of 2020

The rise in equipment leasing is still driven by the demand in automotive products

In 2019, the rise in equipment leasing remained mainly driven by automotive products (+14.9% after +18.2% in 2018) and machinery and equipment (+10.2% after +10.8%). These two types of products account for nearly three quarters of the equipment leasing investments made in France. Investments in computer, electronic and optical products progress strongly (+33.9%, after a fall of 4.2% in 2018) whereas investments in other transport equipment slow down (+6.4%, after +16.1% in 2018).

The growth in equipment leasing was boosted by five activities

In 2019, equipment leasing is mainly driven by demand from the following activities: transport and warehousing (+19.9% compared to 2018), agriculture, forestry and fishing (+31.6%), administrative and support service activities (+16.7%), construction (+14.8%) and wholesale and retail trade and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles (+13.9%). These activities account for nearly two-thirds of the investments in equipment leasing in France.

Main client sectors for equipment leasing

% of total
  • Source: INSEE - Annual leasing survey of 2020

The rise in real estate leasing was largely driven by new land acquisitions

In 2019, the rise in real estate leasing (€4.9 million, following 4.4 million in 2018) was mainly fuelled by land acquisition (+62.9% in relation to 2018) and new construction and civil engineering contracts (+13.6%), whereas building investment retracted (–17.1%). Real estate leasing for new offices was very strong (+57.2%), whereas that for factories retreated (–9.1%).

Main real estate investments

% of total
  • Source: INSEE - Annual leasing survey of 2020

Three activities support real estate leasing

In 2019, real estate leasing was mainly driven by the demand of three activities: real estate activities (+18.9%), professional, scientific and technical activities (+27.7%) and wholesale and retail trade and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles (+52.2%). These activities account for over two thirds of the total investment in real estate leasing in France.

Main sectors using real estate leasing

% of total
  • Source: INSEE - Annual leasing survey of 2020

Changes in new lease with purchase option (LOA) contracts are contrasted

In 2019, LOA contracts with companies slightly decreases (€3.8 million, i.e. -3.4% in relation to 2018). On the one hand, investments progressed in a number of activities, in particular the following ones: wholesale and retail trade and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles (+1.8%), manufacturing (+7.7%), construction (+18.3%), professional, scientific and technical activities (+7.9%) or administrative and support service activities (+19.7%). On the other hand, demand decreased in some activities, in particular the following : financial and insurance activities (–51.4%), information and communication (–12.8%) and human health and social work (–16.2%).

Main sectors using leasing with a purchase option

% of total
  • Note: Excluding individuals
  • Source: INSEE - Annual leasing survey of 2020

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