Informations rapides
24 November 2020
2020- n° 295
In November 2020, the business managers in the building industry worry about their activity prospects but remain rather optimistic about their staffing trend Monthly survey of building - November 2020

In November 2020, the opinion of business managers in the building industry about their activity prospects has degraded sharply – in the context of the second lockdown established on 30 October. Furthermore, their judgement on their recent activity is less positive than in October.

Informations rapides
No 295
Paru le :Paru le24/11/2020
Prochaine parution le : 20/09/2024 at 08:45 - September 2024

The responses from the companies were collected between October 28 and November 19 2020, through Internet only, given the current lockdown. The response rate is therefore a little lower this month than in October.

In November 2020, the opinion of business managers in the building industry about their activity prospects has degraded sharply – in the context of the second lockdown established on 30 October. Furthermore, their judgement on their recent activity is less positive than in October.

The balance of opinion on expected activity has fallen

In November 2020, the business managers in the building industry are much more pessimistic than in the previous month about their expected activity for the next three months: the corresponding balance has fallen significantly and has gone well below its long-term average.

Regarding their recent activity, much fewer business managers in the building industry than in the previous month have reported an increase over the last three months: the corresponding balance of opinion has sharply fallen back but remains above its long-term average.

Building industry economic outlook

Balances of opinion, in %, SA
Building industry economic outlook (Balances of opinion, in %, SA)
Mean* Aug. 20 Sep. 20 Oct. 20 Nov. 20
Past activity -4 -22 -3 9 0
Expected activity -5 12 5 4 -17
General business outlook -16 -10
Past employment -5 -13 -8 -7 -5
Expected employment -3 0 2 2 5
Opinion on order books -22 -18 -22 -22 -25
Order books (in month) 5,8 8,1 7,9 8,2 8,1
Production capacity utilisation rate (in %) 88.7 89.8 90.0 90.5 90.5
Obstacles to production increase (in %) 33 38 39 39 41
- Because of workforce shortage (in %) 14 19 19 19 18
Recruiting problems (in %) 59 66
Expected prices -13 -12 -13 -12 -15
Cash-flow position -10 -16
Repayment period 30 32
  • *Mean since April 1975 for the composite indicator and since September 1993 for the balances of opinion.
  • Source: INSEE, French business survey in the building industry

Activity tendency in building construction

Activity tendency in building construction
Expected activity Past activity
1998-01 -4.4 -3.8
1998-02 -5.1 0.7
1998-03 0.0 5.6
1998-04 -3.6 2.7
1998-05 0.9 7.8
1998-06 3.8 13.6
1998-07 3.9 16.8
1998-08 5.9 18.3
1998-09 7.4 19.7
1998-10 4.5 13.5
1998-11 -0.4 16.0
1998-12 -9.7 3.1
1999-01 -0.4 18.0
1999-02 3.5 12.1
1999-03 5.3 15.2
1999-04 9.0 19.6
1999-05 22.6 18.4
1999-06 14.6 17.9
1999-07 16.9 23.3
1999-08 17.4 24.2
1999-09 17.6 24.8
1999-10 14.3 29.1
1999-11 17.8 28.0
1999-12 33.1 32.4
2000-01 32.4 34.8
2000-02 23.1 33.6
2000-03 26.9 34.9
2000-04 29.9 44.1
2000-05 26.1 35.1
2000-06 31.5 34.8
2000-07 31.9 40.5
2000-08 32.2 40.4
2000-09 32.4 40.4
2000-10 34.3 40.1
2000-11 29.3 40.1
2000-12 24.9 33.2
2001-01 7.8 34.8
2001-02 9.0 34.7
2001-03 12.1 30.4
2001-04 7.7 17.0
2001-05 2.9 19.3
2001-06 0.5 14.1
2001-07 -2.4 12.0
2001-08 -3.7 7.0
2001-09 -5.3 2.5
2001-10 -5.4 1.8
2001-11 -4.5 -3.1
2001-12 -7.9 -1.7
2002-01 -4.2 -6.4
2002-02 -4.7 -3.1
2002-03 -3.7 -0.7
2002-04 -11.1 -7.5
2002-05 -2.8 -0.2
2002-06 -1.3 -0.4
2002-07 -6.4 -11.3
2002-08 -11.3 -11.0
2002-09 -16.4 -9.6
2002-10 -19.1 -11.5
2002-11 -19.7 -15.5
2002-12 -18.2 -19.5
2003-01 -23.3 -13.3
2003-02 -21.1 -15.2
2003-03 -23.7 -18.4
2003-04 -21.8 -15.5
2003-05 -18.0 -16.9
2003-06 -17.4 -15.7
2003-07 -14.3 -16.1
2003-08 -9.7 -10.4
2003-09 -5.5 -3.6
2003-10 -5.2 -13.3
2003-11 -0.1 -9.6
2003-12 1.8 -5.3
2004-01 15.6 -1.3
2004-02 5.5 1.3
2004-03 8.7 3.1
2004-04 5.9 6.1
2004-05 2.6 6.3
2004-06 2.0 5.9
2004-07 10.9 6.9
2004-08 11.9 6.3
2004-09 12.3 6.9
2004-10 12.0 8.7
2004-11 11.7 13.4
2004-12 11.7 12.2
2005-01 11.6 11.1
2005-02 9.0 11.6
2005-03 13.2 8.3
2005-04 13.6 9.7
2005-05 12.6 9.2
2005-06 16.4 12.7
2005-07 14.8 15.4
2005-08 13.9 14.6
2005-09 12.9 15.3
2005-10 18.4 18.0
2005-11 22.9 19.3
2005-12 19.7 20.2
2006-01 20.2 20.5
2006-02 20.1 13.5
2006-03 16.5 17.5
2006-04 16.2 20.1
2006-05 17.5 21.0
2006-06 14.2 21.4
2006-07 16.7 21.2
2006-08 17.0 20.6
2006-09 18.3 22.6
2006-10 21.1 22.9
2006-11 23.3 20.6
2006-12 20.3 22.1
2007-01 21.4 20.2
2007-02 18.9 19.8
2007-03 18.2 22.5
2007-04 21.0 24.1
2007-05 21.1 22.4
2007-06 21.0 25.0
2007-07 18.9 25.0
2007-08 17.7 20.7
2007-09 18.8 20.6
2007-10 15.9 19.6
2007-11 13.5 21.5
2007-12 16.7 19.2
2008-01 7.7 18.7
2008-02 15.3 18.0
2008-03 17.9 15.6
2008-04 10.0 16.3
2008-05 10.8 9.6
2008-06 -4.3 5.0
2008-07 -6.2 -0.3
2008-08 -5.4 0.3
2008-09 -10.0 -0.9
2008-10 -33.4 -10.6
2008-11 -36.3 -11.4
2008-12 -30.7 -21.0
2009-01 -34.8 -19.6
2009-02 -46.6 -25.8
2009-03 -36.5 -24.3
2009-04 -35.8 -30.0
2009-05 -33.3 -29.2
2009-06 -33.7 -33.1
2009-07 -32.5 -33.3
2009-08 -27.3 -31.2
2009-09 -25.0 -28.3
2009-10 -21.4 -25.0
2009-11 -20.4 -26.2
2009-12 -20.0 -26.5
2010-01 -19.7 -26.6
2010-02 -18.2 -23.7
2010-03 -17.8 -26.1
2010-04 -17.4 -25.4
2010-05 -16.9 -20.7
2010-06 -15.2 -17.6
2010-07 -12.4 -14.0
2010-08 -10.8 -12.6
2010-09 -13.0 -13.1
2010-10 -4.4 -13.1
2010-11 -0.6 -12.9
2010-12 -0.8 -7.9
2011-01 -0.8 -8.4
2011-02 3.3 -3.7
2011-03 3.0 1.7
2011-04 5.3 8.3
2011-05 2.4 6.0
2011-06 4.4 6.2
2011-07 4.3 8.3
2011-08 0.6 1.6
2011-09 -4.4 -0.6
2011-10 -4.9 -2.2
2011-11 -9.8 -4.4
2011-12 -11.5 -4.5
2012-01 -10.5 -1.6
2012-02 -12.3 -3.6
2012-03 -10.5 -5.5
2012-04 -11.9 -8.7
2012-05 -14.7 -13.5
2012-06 -14.0 -13.6
2012-07 -17.2 -15.0
2012-08 -19.3 -15.1
2012-09 -20.3 -15.0
2012-10 -26.0 -18.3
2012-11 -24.5 -21.3
2012-12 -21.9 -20.6
2013-01 -24.3 -21.6
2013-02 -22.0 -23.1
2013-03 -24.3 -23.8
2013-04 -24.6 -28.2
2013-05 -21.3 -26.8
2013-06 -24.0 -26.6
2013-07 -22.6 -22.2
2013-08 -19.7 -16.6
2013-09 -12.3 -13.2
2013-10 -15.6 -13.3
2013-11 -16.5 -13.0
2013-12 -18.6 -20.2
2014-01 -15.6 -20.7
2014-02 -20.6 -17.2
2014-03 -18.6 -17.2
2014-04 -22.4 -17.5
2014-05 -19.5 -19.0
2014-06 -17.6 -18.3
2014-07 -28.1 -18.2
2014-08 -27.3 -25.3
2014-09 -29.9 -29.8
2014-10 -29.9 -31.7
2014-11 -24.9 -25.2
2014-12 -28.0 -23.1
2015-01 -32.8 -23.1
2015-02 -23.7 -30.1
2015-03 -24.4 -27.5
2015-04 -23.9 -20.8
2015-05 -26.4 -21.6
2015-06 -20.4 -20.0
2015-07 -16.4 -22.1
2015-08 -8.6 -18.6
2015-09 -13.2 -16.9
2015-10 -15.2 -14.3
2015-11 -20.9 -15.2
2015-12 -8.1 -11.6
2016-01 -8.3 -14.7
2016-02 -16.1 -15.0
2016-03 -9.3 -14.0
2016-04 -5.0 -13.4
2016-05 -2.0 -8.1
2016-06 -2.5 -8.9
2016-07 -0.3 -9.6
2016-08 -3.2 -7.5
2016-09 0.6 -5.9
2016-10 3.7 0.0
2016-11 1.2 0.8
2016-12 -1.1 -5.6
2017-01 -2.8 5.4
2017-02 -0.4 -1.3
2017-03 2.8 -1.7
2017-04 5.9 -6.6
2017-05 2.0 4.4
2017-06 3.6 10.7
2017-07 11.1 5.4
2017-08 13.4 1.3
2017-09 9.1 9.5
2017-10 8.5 5.8
2017-11 14.0 9.7
2017-12 14.3 13.2
2018-01 13.3 14.2
2018-02 11.2 13.9
2018-03 11.8 13.2
2018-04 13.2 10.6
2018-05 12.9 5.8
2018-06 12.7 4.5
2018-07 6.4 8.8
2018-08 4.2 8.3
2018-09 9.7 3.8
2018-10 10.5 4.6
2018-11 10.3 3.8
2018-12 11.8 6.5
2019-01 15.2 6.4
2019-02 15.6 10.1
2019-03 14.5 11.8
2019-04 11.9 11.4
2019-05 13.1 5.6
2019-06 15.2 9.0
2019-07 9.3 14.1
2019-08 10.3 9.2
2019-09 12.8 14.1
2019-10 17.2 14.0
2019-11 8.5 11.5
2019-12 10.2 8.4
2020-01 10.3 7.9
2020-02 15.9 11.7
2020-03 7.5 18.4
2020-04 -85.5 -21.6
2020-05 -47.0 -79.3
2020-06 4.0 -79.5
2020-07 16.0 -58.1
2020-08 12.1 -21.7
2020-09 4.6 -2.6
2020-10 3.6 9.3
2020-11 -17.1 -0.4

Activity tendency in building construction

  • Source: INSEE

The business managers remain rather upbeat on the upcoming trend in employment

In November 2020, the business managers remain relatively confident on the employment prospects for the next three months. The corresponding balance of opinion has slightly risen and then stays above its long-term average.

Moreover, more business managers have reported that they had increased their staff size in the last three months: the corresponding balance of opinion has continued to recover and has reached its long-term average.

Workforce size tendency in building construction

Workforce size tendency in building construction
Expected workforce size Past workforce size
2005-01 9.2 0.7
2005-02 9.5 0.1
2005-03 12.5 5.5
2005-04 15.2 6.9
2005-05 14.2 6.7
2005-06 14.0 8.1
2005-07 16.9 3.9
2005-08 15.2 6.0
2005-09 13.7 7.9
2005-10 15.9 9.7
2005-11 19.6 11.5
2005-12 17.0 12.7
2006-01 18.4 18.9
2006-02 20.2 19.9
2006-03 19.3 13.3
2006-04 18.2 16.0
2006-05 20.5 18.2
2006-06 21.8 17.9
2006-07 20.3 20.4
2006-08 22.2 21.1
2006-09 24.4 21.7
2006-10 26.1 21.6
2006-11 23.8 19.8
2006-12 26.3 18.5
2007-01 27.0 19.2
2007-02 25.3 21.4
2007-03 24.6 20.5
2007-04 22.9 20.6
2007-05 25.5 20.2
2007-06 28.6 23.4
2007-07 25.4 21.6
2007-08 24.6 21.8
2007-09 24.2 22.1
2007-10 23.1 16.6
2007-11 26.7 21.7
2007-12 21.5 21.0
2008-01 19.9 22.6
2008-02 15.9 21.4
2008-03 22.3 23.0
2008-04 23.0 21.1
2008-05 15.5 13.0
2008-06 13.8 13.6
2008-07 11.9 13.4
2008-08 9.5 9.3
2008-09 4.8 5.9
2008-10 -1.4 5.8
2008-11 -8.7 -0.9
2008-12 -12.5 -2.3
2009-01 -16.9 -8.7
2009-02 -17.9 -8.2
2009-03 -22.4 -12.8
2009-04 -20.9 -18.4
2009-05 -20.2 -17.9
2009-06 -20.1 -17.9
2009-07 -20.3 -20.7
2009-08 -19.0 -19.2
2009-09 -17.0 -19.1
2009-10 -15.9 -19.3
2009-11 -15.3 -18.9
2009-12 -14.5 -18.8
2010-01 -12.8 -18.3
2010-02 -15.8 -17.2
2010-03 -13.1 -16.8
2010-04 -14.0 -16.5
2010-05 -14.6 -13.9
2010-06 -15.4 -15.8
2010-07 -13.4 -10.7
2010-08 -11.3 -12.0
2010-09 -7.7 -10.9
2010-10 -7.7 -12.1
2010-11 -3.8 -7.6
2010-12 -1.7 -4.4
2011-01 -1.3 -4.2
2011-02 3.1 -5.1
2011-03 3.6 -3.1
2011-04 4.9 0.3
2011-05 7.3 -0.3
2011-06 6.8 3.2
2011-07 7.7 3.4
2011-08 3.4 3.8
2011-09 -0.8 2.8
2011-10 -6.2 -2.4
2011-11 -7.4 -8.8
2011-12 -5.3 -6.4
2012-01 -3.7 -4.2
2012-02 -3.9 -5.6
2012-03 -9.0 -6.8
2012-04 -9.2 -8.4
2012-05 -12.6 -9.1
2012-06 -11.3 -7.7
2012-07 -15.3 -11.8
2012-08 -14.7 -11.1
2012-09 -16.7 -15.7
2012-10 -14.7 -10.3
2012-11 -14.9 -10.9
2012-12 -16.2 -13.3
2013-01 -15.6 -14.4
2013-02 -15.8 -17.2
2013-03 -18.0 -17.8
2013-04 -13.5 -13.7
2013-05 -19.0 -16.3
2013-06 -18.2 -18.6
2013-07 -17.9 -18.1
2013-08 -16.0 -19.7
2013-09 -14.8 -18.3
2013-10 -10.5 -13.7
2013-11 -16.6 -18.3
2013-12 -17.7 -16.6
2014-01 -19.5 -18.9
2014-02 -21.1 -19.9
2014-03 -18.4 -18.6
2014-04 -19.3 -22.2
2014-05 -19.2 -15.6
2014-06 -23.3 -26.6
2014-07 -22.1 -25.4
2014-08 -26.9 -26.5
2014-09 -28.2 -28.6
2014-10 -26.1 -28.8
2014-11 -22.5 -25.0
2014-12 -24.4 -25.8
2015-01 -29.5 -29.2
2015-02 -24.3 -25.1
2015-03 -25.2 -26.5
2015-04 -27.3 -34.0
2015-05 -27.2 -30.1
2015-06 -19.9 -26.5
2015-07 -24.7 -28.6
2015-08 -23.2 -24.9
2015-09 -22.1 -24.8
2015-10 -23.5 -26.7
2015-11 -21.3 -28.8
2015-12 -23.4 -27.6
2016-01 -20.3 -24.3
2016-02 -20.4 -26.0
2016-03 -20.2 -26.9
2016-04 -17.7 -23.1
2016-05 -15.8 -24.0
2016-06 -16.6 -23.9
2016-07 -17.5 -21.0
2016-08 -13.5 -20.7
2016-09 -10.5 -18.5
2016-10 -8.8 -17.4
2016-11 -11.1 -15.5
2016-12 -8.6 -15.7
2017-01 -7.1 -13.5
2017-02 -7.4 -13.2
2017-03 -6.2 -10.9
2017-04 -4.9 -15.2
2017-05 -0.9 -7.7
2017-06 2.1 -6.6
2017-07 3.7 -2.6
2017-08 1.6 -7.4
2017-09 1.9 -7.0
2017-10 3.5 -5.1
2017-11 1.9 -6.6
2017-12 11.7 6.4
2018-01 9.1 -0.3
2018-02 6.6 -4.4
2018-03 13.4 1.2
2018-04 11.8 3.9
2018-05 10.0 7.4
2018-06 9.8 3.8
2018-07 13.7 4.1
2018-08 14.1 3.8
2018-09 14.7 4.3
2018-10 8.8 5.0
2018-11 14.2 8.3
2018-12 13.8 4.5
2019-01 6.6 3.2
2019-02 18.0 6.3
2019-03 12.8 6.1
2019-04 13.7 4.0
2019-05 13.6 6.8
2019-06 9.0 4.1
2019-07 5.6 3.9
2019-08 9.7 6.2
2019-09 13.0 4.3
2019-10 10.6 5.9
2019-11 16.5 4.0
2019-12 13.2 4.4
2020-01 15.2 8.3
2020-02 19.8 8.7
2020-03 12.2 7.2
2020-04 -17.3 0.4
2020-05 -17.3 -16.7
2020-06 -4.4 -23.8
2020-07 0.1 -17.9
2020-08 0.3 -13.1
2020-09 2.3 -8.4
2020-10 1.6 -7.5
2020-11 5.4 -5.4

Workforce size tendency in building construction

  • Source : INSEE

The opinion on order books has deteriorated slightly

In November 2020, fewer business managers than in October have considered that the level of their order books is higher than normal: the corresponding balance of opinion has slightly fallen back and has gone below its long-term average. The business managers consider that, given their present staff size, their order books provide 8.1 months of work, sightly less than in the previous month, but still significantly more than the long-term average (5.8 months).

The balance of opinion on production bottlenecks has risen

In November 2020, the production capacity utilisation rate is stable. This indicator is calculated from the production margin in the event of new orders. At 90.5%, it stands above its long-term average (88.7%). At the same time, the production bottlenecks are tightening: they concern 41% of the business managers, a share slightly higher than in October and much superior to its average (33%). The share of business managers reporting to be hampered from increasing their production due to workforce shortage is virtually stable, above its long-term average.

The balance of opinion about future price development has decreased

In November 2020, the balance of opinion of business managers about the future change in their prices has decreased and has returned below its long-term average level.

For further information

A balance of opinion is calculated as the difference between the percentage of “increase” responses and the percentage of “decrease” responses.

Since the definitives data of April 2020, the way of correcting non-response has been modified. The usual method was to fill in missing answers by carrying on past answers from non-responding companies. The results are now computed on the sole basis of responding companies.

All balances of opinion from the survey are published in this Informations Rapides and in the complementary chronological series available online. However, during the health crisis, it appeared that the composite business climate indicator, usually calculated from some of these balances of opinion, tended to smooth the fluctuations in the economic activity measured in building construction. This is why an overhaul of this synthetic indicator is currently being studied in order to, if possible, improve its predictive qualities.

Additional information (simplified and detailed methodology, nomenclature, etc.) is available on the “Documentation” tab of the web page of this publication.

Next issue: 17 December 2020 at 8:45 am

Pour en savoir plus

A balance of opinion is calculated as the difference between the percentage of “increase” responses and the percentage of “decrease” responses.

Since the definitives data of April 2020, the way of correcting non-response has been modified. The usual method was to fill in missing answers by carrying on past answers from non-responding companies. The results are now computed on the sole basis of responding companies.

All balances of opinion from the survey are published in this Informations Rapides and in the complementary chronological series available online. However, during the health crisis, it appeared that the composite business climate indicator, usually calculated from some of these balances of opinion, tended to smooth the fluctuations in the economic activity measured in building construction. This is why an overhaul of this synthetic indicator is currently being studied in order to, if possible, improve its predictive qualities.

Additional information (simplified and detailed methodology, nomenclature, etc.) is available on the “Documentation” tab of the web page of this publication.

Next issue: 17 December 2020 at 8:45 am
