Informations rapides
30 June 2020
2020- n° 164
In Q1 2020, the “Cost-of-Construction Index” increased by 2.43% over a year Construction cost index - first quarter 2020

In Q1 2020, the “Cost-of-Construction Index” (CCI) stood at 1,770. It was virtually stable in this quarter (+0.06% after +1.32% in the previous quarter). Over a year, the CCI increased by 2.43% (after +3.88% in the previous quarter).

Informations rapides
No 164
Paru le :Paru le30/06/2020
Prochaine parution le : 24/09/2024 at 12:00 - second quarter 2024

Under the Law 2014-626 of 18 June 2014 (Article 9) which amends section L145-34 of Commercial Code, two indices can be used for the revision of commercial and other tertiary activities rents:

- the commercial rent index for commercial and craft activities;

- the tertiary activities rent index for activities other than commercial and craft activities.

The CCI is no longer used for revising commercial rent contracts.

In Q1 2020, the “Cost-of-Construction Index” (CCI) stood at 1,770. It was virtually stable in this quarter (+0.06% after +1.32% in the previous quarter). Over a year, the CCI increased by 2.43% (after +3.88% in the previous quarter).

Cost-of-construction index

1953 Q4=100
Cost-of-construction index (1953 Q4=100)
Dates CCI Percentage change over a one-year period (Q/Q-4) %
Q1 2016 1,615 −1.04
Q2 2016 1,622 0.50
Q3 2016 1,643 2.18
Q4 2016 1,645 0.98
Q1 2017 1,650 2.17
Q2 2017 1,664 2.59
Q3 2017 1,670 1.64
Q4 2017 1,667 1.34
Q1 2018 1,671 1.27
Q2 2018 1,699 2.10
Q3 2018 1,733 3.77
Q4 2018 1,703 2.16
Q1 2019 1,728 3.41
Q2 2019 1,746 2.77
Q3 2019 1,746 0.75
Q4 2019 1,769 3.88
Q1 2020 1,770 2.43
  • Note: series since 1953 are available on
  • Source : INSEE

Cost of construction index

Cost of construction index
Cost of construction index
2014-Q1 1648
2014-Q2 1621
2014-Q3 1627
2014-Q4 1625
2015-Q1 1632
2015-Q2 1614
2015-Q3 1608
2015-Q4 1629
2016-Q1 1615
2016-Q2 1622
2016-Q3 1643
2016-Q4 1645
2017-Q1 1650
2017-Q2 1664
2017-Q3 1670
2017-Q4 1667
2018-Q1 1671
2018-Q2 1699
2018-Q3 1733
2018-Q4 1703
2019-Q1 1728
2019-Q2 1746
2019-Q3 1746
2019-Q4 1769
2020-Q1 1770

Cost of construction index

  • Source: INSEE

For more information


The French “Cost of Construction Index” (CCI) is a quarterly index, of reference 100 in the fourth quarter of 1953, the date of its creation. CCI measures the price change of new buildings, having a primary (non-community) residential use in France. It is calculated by INSEE in collaboration with the Ministry of ecological and sustainable Transition. It is published in the Journal Officiel in the end of the third month following the quarter under review.

Although established by usage, the words "Cost of Construction Index" makes a misnomer since it is a price index, based on observation of construction contracts dealed between the clients and the firms delivering the building works, excluding other components that enter into the global cost of purchasing (land cost, costs associated with promoting, financing costs, etc.). The cost of construction itself is apprehended by other indicators including producer cost index in construction of buildings (group 41.2) calculated and published by INSEE.

The methodological information are available at :


Under the Law 2014-626 of 18 June 2014 (Article 9) which amends section L145-34 of Commercial Code, two indices can be used for the revision of commercial and other tertiary activities rents:

- the commercial rent index for commercial and craft activities;

- the tertiary activities rent index for activities other than commercial and craft activities.

The CCI is no longer used for revising commercial rent contracts.

Variations in CCI can be compared or reconciled with indicators of cost of production factors, such as the cost of production index in construction of buildings (group 41.2) published monthly by INSEE. Moreover, as regards the maintenance and improvement of housing, “IPEA” is the relevant price index.

The CCI is also used for compiling the volume-price breakdown in national accounts (for the branch of activity "Construction of Buildings").

Next issue: end of September 2020


Pour en savoir plus
