Construction Costs Index 


Paru le :Paru le25/01/2025


The Construction Costs Index (CCI) is a quarterly index, reference 100 in the fourth quarter of 1953, date of its creation, which was used to index the leases until 31st august of 2014.

Despite its name, the CCI measures changes in the prices of construction of new dwellings mainly used for non co-housing in France (between 1953 and 1956, this index actually measured changes in costs, and its name has persisted).It is published in the Official Journal about 12th of the third month following the quarter under review. It is calculated by INSEE in collaboration with the statistical office of the ministry of housing.

The price observed is the price agreed between the contracting authorities and the firms undertaking building work, excluding some acquisition costs of housing (land costs, ancillary costs of real estate and transfer of property taxes, financial costs, etc.). The cost of the construction itself is apprehended by other indicators, such as "BT index" published monthly by INSEE.

The Construction Costs Index (CCI) was created in 1953. The first five New Housing Cost Price Surveys (NHCP) took place between 1969 and 1976.This survey was renewed in 1978 and merged with the CCI. The questionnaire has been redesigned on several occasions since 1990. In 2009, the French National Statistical Information Council (CNIS) registered the CCI-NHCP on the programme of public-interest services of a mandatory nature.

Since the publication of the index for the first quarter of 2010, the use of the hedonic method as a replacement for the retrospective price breakdown has made it possible to reduce the statistical burden of the surveys significantly during the second phase.

The questionnaire relating to constructions of two dwellings and more has been reduced from fourteen to four pages.

From the first quarter 2022, the computation of the Cost-of-Construction Index (CCI) makes use of an additional source, the Survey on building lot prices (EPTB) which interrogate individuals or households who receive a permission to built a single-family home.

The new data of the survey replace data from the CCI-NHCP in order to calculate the individual pure sub-indice, while maintening the hedonic method.

This change of source for single-family homes introduces no break in series nor revision of the previously disseminated values.