Informations rapides
8 November 2019
2019- n° 290
In Q3 2019, private payroll employment increased by 0.3% (flash estimate) Flash estimate of payroll employment - third quarter 2019

In Q3 2019, private payroll employment increased by 0.3%. It accelerated slightly compared to the previous quarter: +54,300 net jobs after +45,400 jobs. Year on year, private payroll employment rose by 1.4% (that is +263,200 jobs). Excluding temporary employment, its growth was similar: +0.3% over the quarter (that is +57,900 jobs) and +1.5% over the year (that is +273,200 jobs).

Informations rapides
No 290
Paru le :Paru le08/11/2019
Prochaine parution le : 07/11/2024 at 08:45 - third quarter 2024

Private payroll employment accelerated slightly :+0.3%, after +0.2 % in the previous quarter

In Q3 2019, private payroll employment increased by 0.3%. It accelerated slightly compared to the previous quarter: +54,300 net jobs after +45,400 jobs. Year on year, private payroll employment rose by 1.4% (that is +263,200 jobs). Excluding temporary employment, its growth was similar: +0.3% over the quarter (that is +57,900 jobs) and +1.5% over the year (that is +273,200 jobs).

Private payroll employment accelerated slightly in construction: +0.7% in Q3 2019 (that is +9,900 jobs),  after +0.5%. It increased slightly in industry: +0.2% (that is +6,200 jobs), after 0.0%. Year on year, private payroll employment increased by 43,400 in construction and by 23,200 in industry.

Private employment increased again in market services: +0.3% (that is +36,300 jobs), as in the previous quarter, bringing its rise to 1,5% over a year (that is +182,600). Excluding temporary employment, the increase was comparable: +0.3% as in the previous quarter and +1.7% over a year. Private employment in non-market services is stable over the quarter, but is 0.4% above its level one year ago.

Temporary employment declined moderately for the second consecutive quarter

Temporary employment slowed down again moderately: –0.5% after –0.3% in the previous quarter (that is –3,600 jobs after –2,200). Year on year, it decreased by 1.2% (that is –10,000 jobs).

Private payroll employment change – in thousands

SA data in thousands
Private payroll employment change – in thousands (SA data in thousands)
Change in thousands in 3 months Change in thousands in 1 year Level
2019 2019 2019 2019
Q2 Q3 Q3 Q3
Agriculture 2.0 0.9 5.2 306.2
Goods-producing industries excl. Construction 1.3 6.2 23.2 3,113.6
Construction 6.4 9.9 43.4 1,419.2
Market services 33.1 36.3 182.6 12,311.1
of which: Temporary employment (*) -2.2 -3.6 -10.0 792.1
Non-market services 2.6 1.0 8.8 2,497.3
Total Private 45.4 54.3 263.2 19,647.5
  • How to read it: In Q3 2019, net private job creation in market services amounted to 36.300 jobs from the previous quarter.
  • (*) Temporary workers are recorded in services, regardless of the sector in which they carry out their mission effectively.
  • Scope: private payroll employment; France, excluding Mayotte.
  • Sources : Insee and Dares

Private payroll employment change – in percentage points

SA data in %
Private payroll employment change – in percentage points (SA data in %)
Change in percentage points in 3 months Change in percentage points in 1 year
2019 2019 2019
Q2 Q3 Q3
Agriculture 0.7 0.3 1.7
Goods-producing industries excl. Construction 0.0 0.2 0.8
Construction 0.5 0.7 3.2
Market services 0.3 0.3 1.5
of which: Temporary employment (*) -0.3 -0.5 -1.2
Non-market services 0.1 0.0 0.4
Total Private 0.2 0.3 1.4
  • (*) Temporary workers are recorded in services, regardless of the sector in which they carry out their mission effectively.
  • Scope: private payroll employment; France, excluding Mayotte.
  • Sources : Insee and Dares

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