Informations rapides
11 October 2018
2018- n° 267
In Q3 2018, the Housing Rent Reference Index increased by 1.57% over a year Rent Reference Index - third quarter 2018

In Q3 2018, the Housing Rent Reference Index stood at 128.45. Year on year, it increased by 1.57%, after +1.25% in Q2 2018.

Informations rapides
No 267
Paru le :Paru le11/10/2018
Prochaine parution le : 15/10/2024 at 08:45 - third quarter 2024

In Q3 2018, the Housing Rent Reference Index stood at 128.45. Year on year, it increased by 1.57%, after +1.25% in Q2 2018.

TableHousing rent reference index

Q4 1998=100
Housing rent reference index (Q4 1998=100) -
Values Percentage change over a one-year period. (Q/Q-4)
Q1 2014 125.00   +0.60
Q2 2014 125.15   +0.57
Q3 2014 125.24   +0.47
Q4 2014 125.29   +0.37
Q1 2015 125.19   +0.15
Q2 2015 125.25   +0.08
Q3 2015 125.26   +0.02
Q4 2015 125.28   −0.01
Q1 2016 125.26   +0.06
Q2 2016 125.25   0.00
Q3 2016 125.33   +0.06
Q4 2016 125.50   +0.18
Q1 2017 125.90   +0.51
Q2 2017 126.19   +0.75
Q3 2017 126.46   +0.90
Q4 2017 126.82   +1.05
Q1 2018 127.22   +1.05
Q2 2018 127.77   +1.25
Q3 2018 128.45   +1.57
  • Note: series are available on INSEE web site.
  • Source: INSEE

GraphYear-on-year change in housing rent reference index

  • Source: INSEE


Methodology (pdf,126 Ko)

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