Economie et Statistique / Economics and Statistics n° 497-498 - 2017 Regions and territories
Geographical pathways of individuals born in France: Construction of a typology
Henri Martin
The rise of geographical mobility is an important component of the changing patterns in lifestyles over the past few decades. The History of Life survey (Histoire de vie, Insee-Ined, 2003), which picks up on all the geographical pathways of the individuals sampled, makes it possible to gain a precise overview of such population movements. Of the individuals born in France and residing in mainland France in 2003, 38% have never left their department and 58% have never left their region of residence. These data also make it possible to construct “standard geographical pathways” using an optimal matching method. Six “standard geographical pathways” emerge for generations born before 1938. A fine-grained analysis of this typology shows that the geographical pathways involving the most mobility are more common in managers, graduates and individuals who have experienced more unstable professional and domestic life trajectories than the average. Lastly, younger generations experience geographical mobility more frequently than their elders.
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To cite this article
Martin, H. (2017). Geographical pathways of individuals born in France: Construction
of a typology. Economie et Statistique / Economics and Statistics, 497-498, 151-170.