Informations rapides
31 August 2017
2017- n° 229
In Q2 2017, the prices of dwellings maintenance and improvement works rose by 0.3% Dwellings maintenance and improvement price index - second quarter 2017

In Q2 2017, dwellings maintenance and improvement work price index (IPEA) rose by 0.3%, a smaller increase than in the previous quarter (+0.7%).

Informations rapides
No 229
Paru le :Paru le31/08/2017

In Q2 2017, dwellings maintenance and improvement work price index (IPEA) rose by 0.3%, a smaller increase than in the previous quarter (+0.7%).

Prices increased the most in masonry works and building structural works (+0.7% after +0.5%) and in heat and air-conditioning installation (+0.6% after +0.8%). The growth was slighter in wood and PVC joinery works (+0.4% after +1.6%) and in roofing activities (+0.3% after +0.1%). Prices were stable or virtually stable in the other works.

Over a year, dwellings maintenance and improvement work prices increased at the same pace as in the previous quarter (+1.3%). They accelerated in masonry works (+1.1% after +0.6%), in heat and air-conditioning installation (+1.7% after +1.2%) and in wood and PVC joinery works (+2.2% after +1.8%) whereas they slowed down in electrical installation (+0.1% after +0.9%), in metal joinery works and ironwork (+3.2% after +3.8%) and in plastering (+1.9% after +2.3%).

In Q1 2017, producer cost index in specialised construction in existing buildings (ICP-43BTR) increased more sharply than in the previous quarter (+0.7% after +0.2%). Over a year, it speeded up too (+1.7% after +1.4% in Q4 2016).


The variation in the “IPEAprice index between the fourth quarter of 2016 and the first quarter of 2017 has been revised upward by 0.1 points. Published in May 2017 at +0.6%, it stands now at +0.7%. The variation in producer cost index in specialised construction in existing buildings in Q4 2016 has been revised downward by 0.1 points.

Graph1Dwellings maintenance and improvement work price and cost indices

  • Source: INSEE

Graph2Changes in dwellings maintenance and improvement work price index

  • Source: INSEE

Graph3Changes in dwellings maintenance and improvement work price index

  • Source: INSEE

Graph4Changes in dwellings maintenance and improvement work price index

  • Source: INSEE

Table1Dwellings maintenance and improvement work price and cost index

In %, raw data, base and reference 100 in 2010
Dwellings maintenance and improvement work price and cost index (In %, raw data, base and reference 100 in 2010) -
Weights Q2 2017 Q/Q-1 Q/Q-4
Dwellings maintenance and improvement work price index (IPEA) 100.0 +0.3 +1.3 +0.3
Masonry works and building structural works 16.9 +0.7 +1.1 +0.7
Painting and floor and wall covering 16.9 +0.1 -0.1 +0.1
Wood and PVC joinery works 15.5 +0.4 +2.2 +0.4
Heat and air-conditioning installation 10.7 +0.6 +1.7 +0.6
Plumbing 10.1 0.0 +2.0 0.0
Roofing activities 9.4 +0.3 +0.7 +0.3
Electrical installation 9.2 +0.1 +0.1 +0.1
Metal joinery works and ironwork 6.3 +0.1 +3.2 +0.1
Plastering 5.0 0.0 +1.9 0.0
Q1 2017 Q/Q-1 Q/Q-4
Producer cost index in specialised construction in existing buildings (ICP-43BTR) 107.9 +0.7 +1.7
  • Source: INSEE

Table2Variations' revisions (in points of %)

Variations' revisions (in points of %) ( ) -
Q1 2017
IPEA +0.1
Masonry works and building structural works +0.3
Painting and floor and wall covering ///
Wood and PVC joinery works +0.1
Heat and air-conditioning installation +0.6
Plumbing +0.1
Roofing activities +0.1
Electrical installation +0.1
Metal joinery works and ironwork +0.3
Plastering ///
  • ///: unchanged
  • How to read it: the variation in the “IPEA” price index between the fourth quarter of 2016 and the first quarter of 2017 is revised upward by 0.1 percentage points.
  • Source: INSEE


Methodology (pdf,93 Ko)

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