Informations rapides
12 May 2017
2017- n° 125
In Q1 2017, market employment continued to increase (flash estimate) Flash estimate of payroll employment - first quarter 2017

In Q1 2017, payroll employment increased in the non-farm market sectors (+0.3%) for the eighth consecutive quarter. The net job creation reached +49,400 after +67,300 jobs in the previous quarter. Year on year, payroll employment increased again by +1.2% in the principally market sectors (+198,300 jobs).

Employment declined at the same pace as in the previous quarter in industry and construction : it dipped by 0.2% (i.e. −4,800 jobs) in industry and by 0.2% (i.e. −2,000 jobs) in construction). Year on year, industry shed −23,300 jobs and construction shed −9,100 jobs.

Overall tertiary-sector employment continued to increase steadily in Q1 2017 (+0.5%, that is +56,200 jobs, after +0.6% in Q4 2016). In services excluding temporary employment, net job creation accelerated (+44,200 jobs, i.e. +0.4%, after +34,500 in Q4 2016). Over a year, excluding temporary work, employment in services increased by +1.3% that is 147,500 jobs.

All in all, employment in the non-farm market sectors excluding temporary work increased by 0.7% over a year (+115,100 jobs).

Informations rapides
No 125
Paru le :Paru le12/05/2017
Prochaine parution le : 07/11/2024 at 08:45 - third quarter 2024

Warnings: From the next issue related to Q1 2017 (to be released on 13/06/2017), the estimate of market employment at t+70 days will be produced in partnership with Acoss and Dares (see documentation about this change Its scope will be extended to all employees and will cover the overseas departments (excluding Mayotte). In this context, starting from the results for Q2 2017, the scope of the flash estimate will also be extended, released on 11/08/2017: it will cover all private payroll employment in France (excluding Mayotte).

In Q1 2017, payroll employment increased in the non-farm market sectors (+0.3%) for the eighth consecutive quarter. The net job creation reached +49,400 after +67,300 jobs in the previous quarter. Year on year, payroll employment increased again by +1.2% in the principally market sectors (+198,300 jobs).

Employment declined at the same pace as in the previous quarter in industry and construction : it dipped by 0.2% (i.e. −4,800 jobs) in industry and by 0.2% (i.e. −2,000 jobs) in construction). Year on year, industry shed −23,300 jobs and construction shed −9,100 jobs.

Overall tertiary-sector employment continued to increase steadily in Q1 2017 (+0.5%, that is +56,200 jobs, after +0.6% in Q4 2016). In services excluding temporary employment, net job creation accelerated (+44,200 jobs, i.e. +0.4%, after +34,500 in Q4 2016). Over a year, excluding temporary work, employment in services increased by +1.3% that is 147,500 jobs.

All in all, employment in the non-farm market sectors excluding temporary work increased by 0.7% over a year (+115,100 jobs).

Temporary employment slowed down

Temporary employment slowed down in Q1 2017 (+1.8% that is +12,000 jobs, after +6.6%). Year on year, it continued to increase steeply (+14.2%, +83,200 jobs).

Table1Payroll employment change in the non-farm market sectors 1. Change in thousands

SA data in thousands
Payroll employment change in the non-farm market sectors 1. Change in thousands (SA data in thousands) -
Change in thousands Level
In 3 months In 1 year
2016 2017 2017 2017
Q4 Q1 Q1 Q1
Principally market sectors 67.3 49.4 198.3 16, 227.7
Industry -5.5 -4.8 -23.3 3, 099.1
Construction -2.2 -2,0 -9.1 1, 303.9
Services 75.1 56.2 230.7 11, 824.6
of which: Temporary work* 40.5 12.0 83.2 668.5
  • How to read it: In Q1 2017, net job creation in services amounted
  • to 56.200 jobs from the previous quarter.

Table22. Change in percentage

SA data in %
2. Change in percentage (SA data in %) -
Change in percentage points
In 3 months In 1 year
2016 2017 2017
Q4 Q1 Q1
Principally market sectors 0.4 0.3 1.2
Industry -0.2 -0.2 -0.7
Construction -0.2 -0.2 -0.7
Services 0.6 0.5 2.0
of which: Temporary work* 6.6 1.8 14.2
  • (*) Temporary workers are recorded in services, regardless of the sector in which they carry out their mission effectively.
  • Scope: principally market sectors excluding agriculture; Metropolitan France.
  • Sources: INSEE and DARES

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