Quarterly national accounts in Q2 2016 National accounts in base 2010 - Detailed figures

Detailed figures
Insee Résultats
Paru le :Paru le23/09/2016
Insee Résultats- September 2016

Households' income, purchasing power and account ratios National accounts in base 2010 - First estimate

Detailed figures

Insee Résultats

Paru le :29/07/2016

Households' income account

Current prices
(xls, 292 Ko)

Purchasing power and households' account ratios

Current prices
(xls, 114 Ko)


Quarterly national accounts

Quarterly debt of the general government


Quarterly accounts are a consistent set of indicators which provides a global overview of recent economic activity.

Time series of the main aggregates of quarterly national accounts can be accessed through the "Summary". They are classified into eight categories:

  • Gross domestic product (GDP) and main economic aggregates ;
  • Goods and services ;
  • Households' consumption ;
  • Foreign trade ;
  • Activities ;
  • Institutional sectors ;
  • Households' income and purchasing power ;
  • Public finances.

For each category, are available :

  • synthetic files displaying from the accounts the relevant information for economic analysis ,
  • sometimes, one or two files displaying all the data available.