Enterprises in France 2016 Edition

The aim of Enterprises in France, part of the “Insee Références” collection, is to provide as comprehensive an overview as possible of our productive system. More information is available only in French on the French pages of the website.

Insee Références
Paru le :Paru le08/11/2016
Nila Ceci-Renaud
Les entreprises en France- November 2016

Service functions in manufacturing industry: they account for half of direct employment

Nila Ceci-Renaud

In France, more than half of direct payroll employment in industrial enterprises is devoted to service functions: commercial and administrative services, installation-maintenance, quality control, logistics and industrial research and development (R&D). The proportion increases with the size of the enterprise, especially for R&D and quality control. Computer services, transportation and services related to premises (especially cleaning and security) are most often outsourced.

Industrial R&D is concentrated in a small number of enterprises, while administrative and commercial functions are for the most part more scattered. R&D, computer technology services and services related to premises are grouped together in a small number of establishments. R&D is more often located at the heart of industrial establishments than commercial services or even logistics.

Insee Références

Paru le :08/11/2016