Informations rapides
21 December 2016
2016- n° 338
In November 2016, increase in producer prices in industry (+0.7%) Industrial Producer and Import Price Indices - November 2016

On all markets (French market and foreign markets), producer prices in industry continued to rise in November 2016 (+0.7%), but at a slower pace than in October (+0.9%). Year over year, the producer price decline eased (−0.2% after −0.8%).

Informations rapides
No 338
Paru le :Paru le21/12/2016
Prochaine parution le : 27/09/2024 at 08:45 - August 2024

Producer prices in French industry: +0.7% in November

On all markets (French market and foreign markets), producer prices in industry continued to rise in November 2016 (+0.7%), but at a slower pace than in October (+0.9%). Year over year, the producer price decline eased (−0.2% after −0.8%).


In November, French producer prices in industry for the French market increased again (+0.8% after +0.9% in October). The rise is mainly due to energy products excluding refined petroleum products.

Downturn in prices for refined petroleum products

In November, the prices of refined petroleum products declined after two consecutive months of increase (−5.4% after +10.7% in October). The fall was sharp for gasoil, jet fuels and medium oils like naphta. Year over year, refined petroleum products prices increased again but at a lesser pace than in the previous month (+2.7% after +8.8% in October).

Increase in prices for other energy products

In November, the prices of mining and quarrying products, energy and water, on the rise for the sixth consecutive month, accelerated sharply (+4.6% after +1.8% in October and +0.7% in September). The increase was mainly due to the switch to the winter rate in electricity transmission and, to a lesser extent, to rises in prices in wholesale markets for gas and electricity.

Virtual stability in food prices

In November, food prices were virtually stable (+0.1% after +0.2%). The increase in prices for oils and fats and for dairy products were almost offset by the fall in prices for bread and fresh pastries. Year over year, food prices remained declining (−0.8%).

Virtual stability in prices for “other industrial products”

The prices of “other industrial products” were virtually stable (+0.1% in November after +0.2% in October). Prices of chemical products and basic metals products kept growing. On the contrary, the prices of rubber products and of paper industry products went down slightly. The prices of other products of this category were stable or virtually stable.


The producer prices of French industrial products sold on foreign markets continued to rise in November but at a lower rate than in October (+0.3% after +0.8%). Prices increased in all major sectors except for petroleum refining industry. Year over year, export prices remained on a modest decline trend (−0.3% in November after −0.4% in October).

Import price indices of industrial products: 0.0% in November

In November, the import prices of industrial products held steady (0.0% after +0.9%). Prices went up or were virtually stable for all products except for refined petroleum products, in decline. Import prices remained lower than a year ago (−0.8%).

Graph1Total Industry price indices

  • Source: INSEE

Graph2Producer price indices of manufactured products sold on the French market

  • Source: INSEE

Graph3Import price indices of manufactured products

  • Source: INSEE

Table1French Producer Price Indices in industry according to the market where the products are sold

reference year: 2010
French Producer Price Indices in industry according to the market where the products are sold (reference year: 2010) -
Change in %
Levels A 10 and A 17 in CPF rev. 2, 2008 Weight Nov.16 In 1 month In 1 year
French market
BE:TOTAL INDUSTRY 1000 104.1 0.8 –0.2
(DE) Mining and quarrying, energy, water 193 113.7 4.6 0.3
CZ: Manufactured prod. 807 101.3 –0.2 –0.3
(C1) Food products, beverages, tobacco 188 107.4 0.1 –0.8
(C2) Coke and refined petroleum products 53 81.0 –5.4 2.7
(C3) Electrical & electronic equip., computers, mach. 71 100.8 –0.1 –0.6
(C4) Transport equipment 124 103.8 0.1 –0.3
(C5) Other man. products 371 100.7 0.1 –0.2
Foreign markets
BE:TOTAL INDUSTRY 1000 102.5 0.3 –0.3
(DE) Mining and quarrying, energy, water 32 104.8 2.5 8.8
CZ: Manufactured prod. 968 102.4 0.2 –0.6
(C1) Food products, beverages, tobacco 122 113.3 0.3 –1.0
(C2) Coke and refined petroleum products 26 77.0 –4.3 0.7
(C3) Electrical & electronic equip., computers, mach. 180 99.7 0.2 –0.5
(C4) Transport equipment 169 105.4 0.1 0.2
(C5) Other man. products 471 101.0 0.5 –0.9
All markets
BE:TOTAL INDUSTRY 1000 103.1 0.7 –0.2
(DE) Mining and quarrying, energy, water 159 113.3 4.5 0.6
CZ: Manufactured prod. 841 101.2 –0.1 –0.4
(C1) Food products, beverages, tobacco 175 108.5 0.1 –0.8
(C2) Coke and refined petroleum products 49 79.7 –5.1 2.0
(C3) Electrical & electronic equip., computers, mach. 85 99.3 0.0 –0.5
(C4) Transport equipment 123 104.4 0.0 –0.3
(C5) Other man. products 409 100.7 0.3 –0.4
  • Source: INSEE

Table2Import prices of industrial products

reference year: 2010
Import prices of industrial products (reference year: 2010) -
Change in %
Levels A 10 and A 17 of nomenclature CPF rev. 2, 2008 Weight Nov.16 In 1 month In 1 year
BE:TOTAL INDUSTRY 1000 95.8 0.0 –0.8
CZ: Manufactured prod. s 98.5 0.2 –0.5
(C1) Food products, beverages, tobacco 71 115.3 0.1 3.2
(C2) Coke and refined petroleum products 53 76.0 –4.9 –1.7
(C3) Electrical & electronic equip., computers, mach. 225 95.8 0.3 –1.4
(C4) Transport equipment 147 96.9 0.1 –1.5
(C5) Other manufactured products s 101.2 0.6 –0.2
  • nd: non available ; s : confidential
  • Source: INSEEl

Table3Revision of variations

In %
Revision of variations (In %) -
Aug.16 / Jul.16 Sep.16 / Aug.16 Oct.16 / Sep.16
French producer prices in industry sold on:
- the French market // // +0.1
- the foreign markets // // //
- all markets // –0.1 +0.1
Import prices of industrial products // –0.1 –0.2
  • How to read it: the change in the producer price index in industry for products sold on the French market between September 2016 and October 2016 has been revised upwards by 0.1 points: published at the end of November equal to 0.8%, it has been updated to 0.9%.

Nota bene : important changes occurred in electricity sector on the 1st of January 2016, with the end of regulated tariffs. Due to this evolution on the electricity market, electricity production price indexes may be revised more than usual.

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