Informations rapides
30 November 2016
2016- n° 314
In Q3 2016, producer prices of services sold to French businesses fell back by 0.2% Services producer price indices - third quarter 2016

In the third quarter of 2016, producer prices of services sold to French businesses fell back (−0.2% after +0.4%). Year over year, they slowed down (+0.2% after +0.5% in the previous quarter).

SPPI, production sold to French businesses

In the third quarter of 2016, producer prices of services sold to French businesses fell back (−0.2% after +0.4%). Year over year, they slowed down (+0.2% after +0.5% in the previous quarter).

Decline in prices for scientific and technical services, information-communication services and accommodation-food services

Prices for scientific and technical services went down (−1.2% after 0.0%). This decline is mainly due to the fall in prices for architectural and engineering services (−1.3% after +0.1%). Information-communication prices fell back too (−0.7% after +0.4%). Prices for accomodation-food services shrank (−1.0% after +3,3%), due to the seasonal fall in prices for hotel and similar accommodation services aimed to professionnals (−5.9% after +8.2%).

Virtual stability in prices for administrative and support services

Prices for administrative and support services were virtually stable (+0.1% after +0.2%). The seasonal increase in prices for travel agency and tour operator services continued. It was partially offset by the slight decrease in prices for office administrative and office support services (−0.2% after 0.0%). Prices for rental and leasing services and for employment services were virtually stable (−0.1%).

Rise in prices for transport and storage services and for real estate activities

Prices for transport and storage services went up for the second consecutive quarter (+0.5% as in the second quarter). Prices for real estate activities sped up (+1.0% after 0.0%) due to the rebound in prices for renting and operating services of real estate (+1.2% after −0.2%).

SPPI, production sold to households in France

Producer prices of services sold to households in France gained pace in the third quarter (+1.5% after +0.4%). This acceleration is mainly due to transport and storage services (+2.9%; −1.0% year over year). It is also the result of the seasonal rise in accomodation-food services (+2.5%; −0.2% year over year).

SPPI, production sold on foreign markets

Producer prices of services sold on foreign markets accelerated in the third quarter (+0.7% after +0.1%), mainly due to transportation and storage services (+2.1% after +0.4%). Prices for administrative and support services recovered (+0.5% after −0.3%) while prices for information-communication services decreased (−0.5% after 0.0%).

SPPI (all markets)

In the third quarter of 2016, on all markets, producer prices of services increased again compared to the previous quarter (+0.3% after +0.4%). Year over year, they were stable.

Graphique1Producer price indices for all services

  • Source: INSEE

Graphique2Producer price indices of services sold to French businesses

  • Source: INSEE

Graphique3Services producer price indices, all markets

  • Source: INSEE

Tableau1Services producer price indices, by sector

reference year: 2010
Services producer price indices, by sector (reference year: 2010) -
Sections and choices of Weight Indices Change in %
levels in NAF rev.2 2016T03 Q/Q-1 Q/Q-4
Prices of services sold to French businesses (BtoB)
HN : all services 1000 102.4 –0.2 0.2
H : transport. and storage 110 106.7 0.5 0.0
49 : land and pipeline transport 49 105.1 0.1 –0.4
52 : warehousing and auxiliary services for transport 44 106.6 –0.3 0.4
I : accommodation and food 26 112.9 –1.0 –0.5
J : information and communic. 137 94.5 –0.7 0.0
62 : IT services 53 102.1 0.0 0.4
L : real estate activities 63 104.4 1.0 1.2
M : prof., scient. and tech. 527 100.8 –1.2 0.7
69 : Legal and accounting services 28 103.8 –1.0 –1.2
70 : activities of head offices and management consulting services 26 103.6 –1.0 –0.6
71 : Architectural and engineering services 449 100.0 –1.3 2.0
73 : Advertising and market research services 15 95.2 –2.0 0.5
N : administ. and support serv. 131 105.3 0.1 0.6
77 : renting & leasing services 37 99.4 –0.1 0.0
78 : employment services 30 107.8 –0.1 0.5
82 : Office administrative and support services 33 107.3 –0.2 0.8
Prices of services sold to households in France (BtoC)
HN : all services 1000 106.7 1.5 –0.1
H : transport. and storage 151 110.3 2.9 –1.0
I : accommodation and food 258 115.7 2.5 –0.2
J : information and communic. 184 91.1 0.1 1.0
L : real estate activities 284 107.8 1.3 0.4
M : prof., scient. and tech. 69 101.9 0.0 –1.2
N : administ. and support serv. 40 98.7 0.2 –0.6
Export prices of services (BtoE)
HN : all services 1000 96.5 0.7 –1.2
H : transport. and storage 315 93.0 2.1 –3.2
J : information and communic. 155 80.9 –0.5 –3.4
M : prof., scient. and tech. 225 101.2 0.0 0.2
N : administ. and support serv. 296 104.8 0.5 0.5
Prices of services sold on all markets (BtoAll)
HN : all services 1000 103.1 0.3 0.0
H : transport. and storage 134 105.3 1.3 –0.8
I : accommodation and food 66 114.8 1.4 –1.4
J : information and communic. 147 93.2 –0.5 –0.1
L : real estate activities 98 106.1 1.1 0.8
M : scient. and tech. services 421 101.1 –0.9 0.5
N : administ. and support serv. 127 105.3 0.2 0.5
  • s: statistical confidentiality
  • BtoB: business to business
  • BtoC: business to consumer
  • BtoE: business to exports
  • BtoAll: business to all
  • Source: INSEE

Tableau3Revision of variations

in percentage points
Revision of variations (in percentage points) -
Services producer price indices 2016T02 / 2016T01
- services sold to all markets 0.2
- services sold to French businesses 0.2
- services sold to consumers in France //
- export of services //
  • How to read it : the change in the services price index for services sold to French businesses between the first quarter 2016 and the second quarter 2016 published at the end of August 2016 was +0.2%. It has been revised at +0.4%; that is to say a revision of +0.2 points.
  • Source: INSEE

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