Informations rapides
19 August 2016
2016- n° 213
In Q2 2016, the number of tourism nights fell sharply (−4.8% year-on-year) Tourism occupancy in hotels, campsites and holiday and other short-stay accommodation in metropolitan France - 2nd Quarter 2016

In the second quarter of 2016, throughout metropolitan France, the number of overnight stays in tourist collective accomodation slipped back sharply: -4.8% compared to the same period in 2015 after a rebound in Q1 (+1.1%). The decline was greater for campsites and holiday and other short-stay accomodation than for hotels. It was more significant for foreign customers (-8.5%) than for residents (-2.9%). The drop in foreign customer occupancy, largest than the first quarter (-2.7%) was similar to that in Q4 2015, after the terrorist attacks of November.

Informations rapides
No 213
Paru le :Paru le19/08/2016

Tourist nights fell back in metropolitan France

In the second quarter of 2016, throughout metropolitan France, the number of overnight stays in tourist collective accomodation slipped back sharply: −4.8% compared to the same period in 2015 after a rebound in Q1 (+1.1%). The decline was greater for campsites and holiday and other short-stay accomodation than for hotels. It was more significant for foreign customers (−8.5%) than for residents (−2.9%). The drop in foreign customer occupancy, largest than the first quarter (−2.7%) was similar to that in Q4 2015, after the terrorist attacks of November.

Overnight stays in hotels fell sharply for foreign customers, especially in the agglomeration of Paris

The number of nights spent in hotels decreased anew in Q2 (−3.5% year-on-year), after a rebound in Q1 (+1.9%). This decrease was more pronounced for foreign customers (−7.3%) whose the overnight stays slipped for the third consecutive quarter. Occupancy in the agglomeration of Paris was the most affected since the number of nights spent by foreign customers tumbled (−12.9%). Overnight stays in hotels increased only in provincialtowns thanks to the Euro 2016 football championship which attracted French and foreign customers.

Overall, while the number of rooms offered increased, the room occupancy rate decreased by 1.6 points year-on-year to stand at 61.2%.

Graph1_englishOvernight stays in hotels

  • Source: INSEE, in partnership with the Regional Committees of tourism (CRT) and DGE

Tableau2_englishAverage length of stay and occupancy

Average length of stay and occupancy
Average length of stay (days) Occupancy rate ** in %
2015 2016 2015 2016
Q2 Q2 * Q2 Q2 *
Hotels 1.8 1.8 62.7 61.2
HOSSA 3.5 3.6 54.7 53.1
Campsites 3.6 3.7 20.7 19.6
bare pitches 3.1 3.2 15.7 14.8
pitches with rental accommodation 4.2 4.3 32.5 30.4
  • * provisional data
  • ** The occupancy rate is calculated for hotels in rooms, in pitches for campsites and in lodging units (rooms, apartments, dormitories) for holliday and other short-stay accommodation
  • Source: INSEE, in partnership with the Regional Committees of tourism (CRT) and DGE

Overnight stays in holiday and other short-stay accomodation also down sharply

Stays in HOSSA declined sharply again in Q2 2016 (−6.4% year-on-year), after stabilising in the beginning of the year. As for hotels, occupancy plummetted more in the agglomeration of Paris. The drop in overnight stays of foreign customers was particularly strong (−20.2%). The occupancy rate (53.1%) also decreased by 1.6 points year-on-year.

Graph2_englishOvernight stays in HOSSA

  • Source: INSEE, in partnership with the Regional Committees of tourism (CRT) and DGE

A tough start to the season in campsites

The occupancy in campsites was very poor at the beginning of the season (−6.8% compared to Q2 2015) due in particular to a dull weather in the spring and fewer public holidays. This decline affected all categories of campsites. French customers shied away from campsites more than foreign ones. The lack of sunshine has particularly penalized coastline campsites where occupancy fell by 9.4%. Occupacy rate decreased especially on pitches with rental accommodation (−2.1 points, to 30.4%).

Graph3_englishOvernight stays in campsites

  • Source: INSEE, in partnership with the Regional Committees of tourism (CRT) and DGE

A more moderate monthly decline in June,thanks to the Euro 2016 football championship

Two public holidays in 2016 against five in the previous year and inclement weather have adversely affected tourism occupancy in April and May. In June, the decline was more moderate primarily due to the the positive impact of the Euro 2016 football championship in each city hosting the matches.

Tableau1_englishOvernight stays in Q2 2016 *

Overnight stays in Q2 2016 *
Nights of the quarter Year-on-year (%) (Q/Q-4)
Total nights (millions) % of foreign nights Total nights Foreign nights
Total 92.4 32.7 –4.8 –8.5
Hotels 53.4 36.0 –3.5 –7.3
Unclassified 4.8 25.5 –9.0 –8.8
1 and 2 stars 15.5 24.0 –2.2 –0.8
3 stars 20.3 36.5 –3.7 –10.4
4 and 5 stars 12.8 53.5 –2.6 –6.8
hotel chain 26.7 35.9 –3.8 –8.0
independent hotel 26.7 36.0 –3.2 –6.6
Agglo. of Paris 15.8 57.6 –10.3 –12.9
coastlines 9.8 31.1 –2.7 –2.5
mountain 6.1 23.5 –0.4 0.3
other urban area 18.1 26.7 1.5 –1.0
other rural area 3.5 21.8 –2.3 –4.4
Holiday and other short-stay accomodation 20.0 19.3 –6.4 –20.2
Tourism residences 14.9 22.5 –6.5 –20.3
Holiday villages 4.3 7.9 –6.0 –21.7
Other 0.9 20.2 –5.5 –15.5
Agglo. of Paris 1.9 41.2 –14.5 –29.6
coastlines 7.1 15.4 –12.7 –12.5
mountain 4.2 16.9 –9.6 –41.2
other urban area 3.8 20.4 1.1 –2.5
other rural area 3.0 16.3 15.4 6.0
Campsites 19.0 37.7 –6.8 –4.2
Unclassified 0.9 40.5 –11.4 –7.7
1 and 2 stars 2.5 32.5 –8.7 –6.7
3 stars 6.2 37.9 –5.0 –1.4
4 and 5 stars 9.4 38.6 –6.9 –5.0
bare pitches 8.4 52.3 –7.7 –5.9
pitches with rental accommodation 10.6 26.1 –6.0 –1.4
coastlines 10.1 32.6 –9.4 –6.5
except coast 8.8 43.6 –3.5 –2.1
  • Reference area : Metropolitan France
  • * provisional data
  • Source: INSEE, in partnership with the Regional Committees of tourism (CRT) and DGE


Compared to the previous publication, the overall variation of the number of overnight stays in Q1 2016 has been slightly raised (+1.1% instead of 1.0%) due to the integration of data known in the meantime. The increase in hotels has been raised by 0.1 points (+1.9% instead of +1.8%), and the decline in AHCT has been lowered by 0.2 points (−0.3% instead of −0.5%).

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