Économie et Statistique n° 483-484-485 - 2016 The overhauled Census: progress in methodology and contribution to knowledge

Economie et Statistique
Paru le :Paru le28/04/2016
Chantal Cases
Economie et Statistique- April 2016

Introduction The overhauled Census: progress in methodology and contribution to knowledge

Chantal Cases

The role of the National Population Census Assessment Commission (CNERP), set up in 2004 on the initiative of the National Council for Statistical Information (CNIS), has been to observe and make special recommendations after the introduction of the overhauled census. It helps to ensure that this new tool is fully understood not only by elected officials and local government staff, who have also provided meticulous help in producing it, but also by researchers and users of the data at local and national levels and who also make up its members. It also underpins quality, and notably has set up a working group to establish one of its most strategic tools, the address control list, a key factor in determining the value of the survey carried out every year in municipalities of 10,000 inhabitants or more. CNERP also prepares for future changes by closely monitoring paperless data collection operations; in 2012 it set up the framework of a working group on changes to questionnaires. I am sure that the members of this commission will be as enthusiastic to read this issue as I was when preparing the introduction, as it resonates with their work and the issues they face. This will also certainly be the case for all those who are interested in the census, the key tool of official statistics, as the collection of articles gathered here gives an idea of the impact of the changes that are being made and the work that is now possible.

Economie et Statistique

No 483-484-485

Paru le :28/04/2016