Household income and wealth 2014 Edition
With “Household income and wealth” INSEE presents the main indicators and analyses on household monetary inequalities, poverty and wealth.
Themed information sheets - Income - Household income and wealth - Insee Références - 2014 Edition
22 sheets: Household income in the national accounts - GDI - International comparison - Household disposable income - People's standards of living - People's standards of living including imputed rents to owners - Composition of disposable income according to standards of living - Change in standards of living since 1970 - Standards of living and poverty by region - Social benefits - Monetary poverty - Monetary poverty in Europe - Monetary inequalities in Europe - Poverty in terms of standards of living - Family composition and standards of living - Activity and standards of living - Age and standards of living - Standards of living and poverty among children - Standards of living and poverty among the elderly - Disposable income and standards of living by gender - Standards of living by socio-occupational category - Disposable income and standards of living of immigrants - The very wealthy