Household income and wealth 2014 Edition
With “Household income and wealth” INSEE presents the main indicators and analyses on household monetary inequalities, poverty and wealth.
Who is saving? Who is dissaving?
Bertrand Garbinti, Pierre Lamarche
In 2009, half of French households saved more than13% of their income. However, savings behaviours vary greatly according to a household's characteristics. The savings ratio increases with income: negative for the most modest households, it represents more than one third of income for the wealthiest households. In addition, the savings ratios are more diverse more the poorest households than for the better off. At a given income level, the youngest and the oldest save less. This is also the case for families with more than 2 children. Tenants have generally low but highly diversified savings ratios. Finally, while savings ratios are overall increasing with the level of wealth, this is above all because a high level of income and considerable wealth often go hand in hand. At a given income, a high-wealth household saves somewhat less than a household with little. When they have the means, households save for different reasons. This can be in anticipation of a fall in income, whether accidental (precautionary measure) or foreseeable, associated with retirement for example (life cycle). Such savings may also be made for investment purposes or large purchases. Finally, passing on wealth to one's descendants may constitute an additional reason for saving.