Enterprises in France 2013 Edition

This new work from the “Insee Références” collection, Enterprises in France, provides the broadest possible view of our productive system.

Insee Références
Paru le :Paru le18/10/2013
Marina Robin
Les entreprises en France- October 2013

Regulated professions

Marina Robin

In France, regulated professionals represented in 2010 slightly more than 110,000 enterprises and 250,000 full-time equivalent salaried employees. Within these activities, the average headcount is 5 times greater for chartered accountants than for architects. Between 1995 and 2010, regulated professional business activity was far more sustainable and their activity was much more regular than other service industries. However, the crisis of 2009 had a significant impact on professions associated with real estate: the turnover for architects and public notaries shrank by around 9% in volume in 2009 while that for other lawyers and other regulated businesses was far less affected. Profound changes took place in 15 years. The number of law firms doubled, while chartered accountants, architects and surveyors were less numerous and tended to form groups within companies. Opening up to the international stage was still limited. It developed among surveyors, but with 7% of companies exporting, chartered accountancy remains the profession that works the most for a clientele abroad.

Insee Références

Paru le :18/10/2013