Employment and wages 2014 Edition

Insee, in collaboration with Dares and Drees, presents through this new edition of “Employment and salaries” a complete overview about these two topics.

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Paru le :Paru le17/09/2014
Jeanne-Marie Daussin-Benichou, Malik Koubi, Aude Leduc et Bertrand Marc
Emploi et salaires- September 2014

Salaried careers in the public and private sector: comparison factors between 1988 and 2008

Jeanne-Marie Daussin-Benichou, Malik Koubi, Aude Leduc et Bertrand Marc

Salaried careers in the three civil services and the private sector present similarities. The wages of less qualified people are lower than those with more qualifications and rise less rapidly. Whatever the qualification, wages rise more quickly at the start than in the middle of a career. Concerning the differences, it is in the State Civil Service (FPE) that less qualified people earn the most. Conversely, the best qualified are better remunerated and see greater wage progress in the private sector and in the public hospital system (FPH). It is also in these two sectors that the range of wages is the most open. The pay gaps between women and men exist in all sectors. They are greater in the private sector, mainly in small companies, than in the public sector. They become more marked with the level of qualification and age. Whether they change within the public sector, join the private sector or leave it, around 6% of salaried employees change sector at least once between 30 and 45 years of age, of whom half do so for good. They are on average younger and better qualified than other salaried employees and combine more often than other salaried employees, through their mobility, their main activity with an activity from another sector. The change of sector does not necessarily bring about an immediate wage increase (on year one) but rather over the medium term (5 years).

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Paru le :17/09/2014