Enterprises in France 2015 Edition

This new edition of the “Enterprises in France” issue from the “Insee Références” collection offers a comprehensive structural view of our productive system.

Insee Références
Paru le :Paru le28/10/2015
François Rageau
Les entreprises en France- October 2015

Recent changes in transportation and consequences on the management of labour by transport enterprises

François Rageau

Between 2000 and 2013 in France, production of transport and warehousing (excluding postal activities) increased at a pace close to that of all market sectors. This activity has however changed dramatically. Freight transport stagnated, while passenger traffic grew and auxiliary transport services were maintained. These changes took place in a context marked by many institutional and regulatory changes occurring since the end of the 1990s. These were also as a consequence of the economic crisis which hit France from 2008. The transportation and warehousing sector (excluding postal activities) counted 1.1 million employees in 2013. Management of the workforce has been adapted, with increased use of more flexible contracts, a change in the employment structure and a small increase in the cost of labour from 2009. The tensions in the labour market of “transport” professions, particularly acute before 2008, have eased since.

Insee Références

Paru le :28/10/2015