Enterprises in France 2015 Edition

This new edition of the “Enterprises in France” issue from the “Insee Références” collection offers a comprehensive structural view of our productive system.

Insee Références
Paru le :Paru le28/10/2015
Hervé Bacheré
Les entreprises en France- October 2015

24,000 enterprises accounted for two thirds of the value added of mainly market sectors

Hervé Bacheré

In 2013, the value added of the mainly market non-farm and non-financial sectors was 986 billion euros, or 52% of the value added of the whole of the French economy. Two thirds of value added was concentrated in 1% of enterprises. The average margin rate was stable, wages rose by 2.5% and social contributions by only 0.5% due to the implementation of the CICE tax credit to encourage competitiveness and employment. Like the previous year, one enterprise in two invested. While this was the case for almost all of the largest structures, only three units without an employee in ten invested. Amounts invested by small enterprises were small, in line with their level of activity. For half of the enterprises without an employee that had invested, the amount was less than 2,700 euros. For half of the enterprises with 250 employees or more, it was more than 2 million euros. Overall, investment was concentrated in a small number of enterprises: 1% were the source of 85% of the total investment. Export turnover stood at 593 billion euros, and only one enterprise in 10 exported in 2013. The bulk of exports are carried out by an even smaller number of enterprises: 1% of enterprises carry out 97% of exports. Half of these enterprises are under the control of a multinational firm.

Insee Références

Paru le :28/10/2015