Informations rapides
23 January 2015
2015- n° 17
In January 2015, the economic climate has slightly declined in the building construction industry Monthly survey of building - January 2015

According to the business managers surveyed in January 2015, the business climate is still deteriorated in the building construction industry. The composite indicator has lost one point (from 89 to 88), and deviating further from its long-term average (100). The turning point indicator has gone into the unfavorable zone.

Informations rapides
No 17
Paru le :Paru le23/01/2015
Prochaine parution le : 20/09/2024 at 08:45 - September 2024

According to the business managers surveyed in January 2015, the business climate is still deteriorated in the building construction industry. The composite indicator has lost one point (from 89 to 88), and deviating further from its long-term average (100). The turning point indicator has gone into the unfavorable zone.

ClimateComposite indicator

TurningPointTurning-point indicator

  • Lecture: close to 1 (respectively -1), it indicates a favorable climate (respectively unfavorable).

Tableau1Building industry economic outlook

Balances of opinion, in %, SA
Building industry economic outlook (Balances of opinion, in %, SA)
Mean* Oct. 14 Nov. 14 Dec. 14 Jan. 15
Composite indicator 100 86 89 89 88
Past activity –3 –33 –22 –21 –21
Expected activity –6 –34 –24 –27 –35
Gen. business outlook –19 –46 –50
Past employment –4 –32 –26 –26 –30
Expected employment –3 –26 –25 –25 –30
Opinion on order books –22 –59 –58 –58 –57
Order books (in month) 5.3 6.5 6.4 6.3 6.0
Productive capacity utilisation rate 88.7 84.6 84.6 84.2 84.0
Obstacles to production increase (in %) 33 17 21 21 20
- Because of workforce shortage (in %) 14.9 3.3 3.4 3.1 3.1
Recruiting problems (in %) 58 41 38
Expected prices –14 –35 –36 –38 –36
Cash-flow position –10 –25 –27
Repayment period 29 44 49
  • * Mean since September 1993.
  • Source: French business survey in the building industry - INSEE

Activity is still deteriorated

In January 2015, as business managers as in December have deemed that their activity has deteriorated in the recent period. They are substantially more pessimistic about their expected activity and the corresponding balance has reached its lowest level since May 2009. The two corresponding balances are well below their long-term average. The business managers’ opinions about the general trend in the sector have worsened : the balance of opinion of the general business outlook, already much below its long-term average, has further deteriorated since October.

ActivityActivity tendency in the building industry

Increased pessimism about expected workforce

More business managers than in December have pointed out a fall in past and expected employment. The corresponding balances are substantially below their long-term average.

WorkforceWorkforce size tendency in the building industry

Order books are considered very low

Business managers have still considered their order books lower than normal.

OrderBooksOrder books

Slightly over unused productive capacity

In January 2015, the productive capacity utilization rate continues to fall and has reached its lowest level since February 2009. At the same time, one business manager out of five declare having difficulties increasing, against one out of three in average since 1993. Only 38 % of construction firms still have difficulties in recruiting labor force, against 58 % in average.

PcurProductive capacity utilization rate

Cash flow position slighty more deteriorated

In January, slightly fewer business managers than in December indicate price downturns. However, the corresponding balance of opinion remains clearly below its long-term average. According to business leaders, the cash-flow position of the overall sector is a little more deteriorated than in the previous quarter and the repayment period gets longer.

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