Informations rapides
25 November 2015
2015- n° 288
In Q3 2015, the number of tourism nights continued to grow (+3.0% year-on-year) Tourism occupancy in hotels, campsites and holiday and other short-stay accommodation in metropolitan France - 2015Q3

In the third quarter of 2015, throughout metropolitan France, the number of overnight stays in tourist collective accomodation increased by 3.0% compared to the same period in 2014 (after +2.3% in the previous quarter). The upswing recorded since the beginning of the year was confirmed in hotels, campsites and other short-stay accommodation (HOSSA). Overnight stays increased mainly due to French customer, except for hotels.

Tourist nights continued to rise

In the third quarter of 2015, throughout metropolitan France, the number of overnight stays in tourist collective accomodation increased by 3.0% compared to the same period in 2014 (after +2.3% in the previous quarter). The upswing recorded since the beginning of the year was confirmed in hotels, campsites and other short-stay accommodation (HOSSA). Overnight stays increased mainly due to French customer, except for hotels.

The occupancy in hotel accelerated

The increase in hotel occupancy gathered pace in the third quarter (+3.3% year-on-year after +1.9%). Overnight stays of foreign customer increased even more (+4,2 % after +0,7 %).

The process of accomodation classification continued. It contributed to the increase in overnight stays in classified hotels. In constant classification, occupancy grew more strongly in four or five-star hotels.

With 68.1% of rooms occupied in the third quarter of 2015, the occupancy rate increased by 0.5 points year-on-year.

The overnight stays rose especially on the coastlines (+5.1%). However, the foreign tourists were many to favor mountain holidays (+7.2%).

Graph1_englishOvernight stays in hotels

  • Source: INSEE, in partnership with the Regional Committees of tourism (CRT) and DGE

Tableau2_englishAverage length of stay and occupancy

Average length of stay and occupancy
Average length of stay (days) Occupancy rate ** in %
2014 2015 2014 2015
Q3 Q3 * Q3 Q3 *
Hotels 1.9 1.8 67.6 68.1
HOSSA 5.0 4.9 66.7 68.3
Campsites 5.8 5.7 46.1 47.3
bare pitches 4.7 4.6 38.3 39.0
pitches with rental accommodation 7.9 7.9 66.2 67.6
  • * provisional data
  • ** The occupancy rate is calculated for hotels in rooms, in pitches for campsites and in lodging units (rooms, apartments, dormitories) for holliday and other short-stay accommodation
  • Source: INSEE, in partnership with the Regional Committees of tourism (CRT) and DGE

Overnight stays in holiday and other short-stay accomodation increased sharply

Stays in HOSSA improved markedly in the third quarter of 2015 (+4.3% year-on-year), partially due to a weak occupancy in third quarter of 2014.

Among HOSSA, nights spent in tourist or hotel residences, rose significantly (+6.0%). Overnight stays grew moderately in holiday villages (+0.8%), and remained steady in other collective accomodation. The occupancy rate (68.3%) increased by 1.6 points.

Graph2_englishOvernight stays in HOSSA

  • Source: INSEE, in partnership with the Regional Committees of tourism (CRT) and DGE

Campsites: record crowds

The number of overnight stays in campsites advanced by +2.3% in the third quarter 2015. It was driven up by the French customers, particulary for coastal campsites. Conversely, fewer foreign customers came on holiday in campsites (–3.2%). The campers has prioritised the comfort, in 4 or 5 star establishments (+6.5%) and on pitches with rental accomodation (+5.5%). The overall occupancy rate rose by 1.2 points, to 47.3% in the third quarter. It improved especially for pitches with rental accommodation (+1.4 points to 67.6%).

Graph3_englishOvernight stays in campsites

  • Source: INSEE, in partnership with the Regional Committees of tourism (CRT) and DGE

A strong growth in July, especially on coastlines

In July 2015, tourism nights rose sharply year-on-year in all types of tourist collective accomodation, benefiting from a favourable summer weather, unlike last year. Accomodation near coastlines area were the main drivers of this growth. If, overall, stays in August held steady, September was up, sign of an extension of the tourism season.


The variation of the number of overnight stays in the second quarter of 2015 were lowered by 0.4 points (+2.3% instead of +2.7%) due to the integration of more recent data. It is revised down by –0.1 points in HOSSA at +0.3%, and by –1.7 points in campsites at +5.5%. It is unchanged for hotels.

Tableau1_englishNumber of overnight stays in Q3 * 2015 and percentage change

Number of overnight stays in Q3 * 2015 and percentage change
Nights of the quarter Year-on-year (%) (Q/Q-4)
Total nights (millions) % of foreign nights Total nights Foreign nights
Total 195.5 32.6 3.0 0.6
Hotels 67.1 41.3 3.3 4.2
Unclassified 6.7 29.6 –26.2 –34.6
1 and 2 stars 19.0 27.8 7.1 10.2
3 stars 25.3 43.0 6.4 5.3
4 and 5 stars 16.0 59.8 12.4 13.5
hotel chain 31.3 43.2 9.2 15.7
independent hotel 35.7 39.7 –1.3 –4.7
Agglo. of Paris 18.7 65.5 3.7 4.2
coastlines 14.3 35.4 5.1 5.1
mountain 8.9 25.2 2.0 7.2
other urban area 20.5 33.7 2.8 3.9
other rural area 4.7 27.4 1.8 –1.6
Holiday and other short-stay accomodation 35.9 20.5 4.3 2.5
Tourism residences 24.8 25.3 6.0 5.3
Holiday villages 10.0 8.9 0.8 –9.9
Other 1.1 19.7 –0.1 –15.8
Agglo. of Paris 2.4 53.6 –0.2 –12.8
coastlines 15.5 17.8 4.1 0.8
mountain 9.6 13.3 5.0 20.4
other urban area 4.6 26.4 4.8 12.3
other rural area 3.8 21.8 5.9 –0.8
Campsites 92.5 30.9 2.3 –3.2
Unclassified 5.5 29.2 –5.9 –10.0
1 and 2 stars 13.4 26.1 –0.8 –1.7
3 stars 31.0 30.5 –0.3 –2.8
4 and 5 stars 42.6 32.9 6.5 –2.9
bare pitches 49.0 39.3 –0.4 –3.1
pitches with rental accommodation 43.5 21.4 5.5 –3.4
coastlines 52.8 25.3 2.8 –3.0
except coast 39.8 38.4 1.7 –3.3
  • Reference area : Metropolitan France - * provisional data
  • Source: INSEE, in partnership with the Regional Committees of tourism (CRT) and DGE

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