Informations rapides
19 May 2015
2015- n° 118
In April 2015, oil prices accelerated Prices of oil and raw material imports - April 2015

In April 2015, the price of crude oil in euros increased again (+6.4%), to average 54.9€ per barrel of Brent. Prices of imported commodities except energy in euros decreased (–1.1%), either for raw food materials (-1.9%) or industrial raw materials (-0.5%).

In April 2015, the price of crude oil in euros increased again (+6.4%), to average 54.9€ per barrel of Brent. Prices of imported commodities except energy in euros decreased (–1.1%), either for raw food materials (-1.9%) or industrial raw materials (-0.5%).

Oil prices in euros accelerated

In April, the price of crude oil from the North Sea (Brent) in dollars bounced back (+6.5% after -3.7%), due to a decrease in output anticipations, mostly driven by the fall in rig counts in the United States. In euros, the Brent price went up at the same pace (+6.4% after +1.1%), as the European currency stabilised against the dollar. However, the Brent price remained much lower than the year before (–29.8% in euros).

Prices of industrial raw materials dipped

In April, prices of industrial raw materials in euros went down (–0.5% after +2.7% in March), due to a downturn in agricultural raw materials. Year-on-year, prices remained higher (+11.3%), mainly due to the past depreciation of the euro.

Prices of agricultural raw materials fell back (-4.2% after +0.4%), in particular those of hides (-4.9% after +5.4%), of wood pulp (-2.7% after +2.7%), and of tropical wood (-0.3% after +2.6%). Prices of natural fibers decelerated (+3.4% after +4.2%), those of natural rubber as well (+0.3% after +2.9%).

Prices of minerals decelerated (+0.8% after +3.5%), as a result of a slowdown in prices of non-ferrous metals (+2.1% after +4.9%). In particular, nickel prices plummeted (-6.9% after -0.7%), due to a decreasing demand in the steel sector. Prices of iron ore kept tumbling as well (-10.2% after -4.6%, -43% year-on-year). On the other hand, prices of precious metals picked up (+1.9% after -0.1%), in particular those of palladium (+5.5% after -5.5%). Prices of gold accelerated (+1.9% after +0.9%), the precious metal was once again very much in demand in emerging countries.

Prices of raw food materials declined

In April, prices of raw food materials in euros fell back (–1.9% after +2.6%), in particular those of cereals (-2.2% after +3.5%), as a result of a decrease in prices of cereals (–2.2% after +3.5%), due to a drop in rice prices. Those of oil seeds and vegetable oils went down as well (–2.7% after +1.7%), in particular those of palm oil (-2.6% after +0.6%), as a result of a high worldwide output facing a lower demand.

tabpetroleOil and petroleum products

in euros
Oil and petroleum products (in euros)
Prices Change (%)
of last month over the last month over the last 3 months over the last 12 months
Brent in $ per barrel 59.4 6.5 22.7 –45.0
Brent in € per barrel 54.9 6.4 31.9 –29.8
Gasoline €/L 0.42 2.2 47.2 –23.7
Gas Oil 517.8 2.8 26.3 –21.2
Heavy fuel 340.2 17.6 47.6 –21.2
Naphtha 473.0 0.9 39.8 –29.5
  • Prices are in euros per tonne unless otherwise specified
  • Source : Insee

tabmatpremImported raw materials (excluding energy) in euros

base 100 in 2000
Imported raw materials (excluding energy) in euros (base 100 in 2000)
Index Changes (%)
of last month over the last month over the last 3 months over the last 12 months
Food total 221.4 –1.9 3.9 13.9
Tropical foodstuffs 207.6 –1.1 3.3 18.4
Oil seeds, vegetable oils 239.9 –2.7 0.6 –1.9
Cereals 159.6 –2.2 3.2 10.2
Sugar 133.8 0.7 –7.7 –2.9
Beef meat 190.9 –1.9 11.3 42.9
Industrial raw materials 171.8 –0.5 4.1 11.3
Agricultural raw materials 116.0 –4.2 –4.0 12.2
Natural Fibers 126.1 3.4 13.8 –0.9
Natural rubber 168.5 0.3 4.0 –10.7
Hides 104.6 –4.9 1.7 12.4
Wood pulp 108.0 –2.7 –0.6 19.0
Tropical wood 115.1 –0.3 5.9 13.9
Sawn softwood 86.8 –8.7 –14.1 –2.0
Minerals 202.6 0.8 7.0 11.4
Iron ore 350.1 –10.2 –18.4 –43.0
Non-ferrous metals 174.7 2.1 11.0 23.3
Precious metals 255.1 1.9 3.0 15.9
All commodities 182.9 –1.1 4.0 12.7
  • Source : Insee


  • Source : Insee


  • Source : Insee

G_ensemble_angAll commodities

  • Source : Insee

G_indus_angIndustrial raw materials

  • Source : Insee

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