Informations rapides
15 April 2015
2015- n° 86
The fall of house prices continued in Q4 2014 (-2.0% year-on-year) House price index - 4th quarter 2014

In Q4 2014, house prices decreased by 1.8% compared to the previous quarter (non seasonally adjusted). This decrease was mainly due to second-hand dwellings which prices went down by 2.0% while those of new dwellings diminished by 0.3%.

Informations rapides
No 86
Paru le :Paru le15/04/2015
Prochaine parution le : 27/09/2024 at 12:00 - second quarter 2024

In Q4 2014, house prices decreased by 1.8% compared to the previous quarter (non seasonally adjusted). This decrease was mainly due to second-hand dwellings which prices went down by 2.0% while those of new dwellings diminished by 0.3%.

Year-on-year, house prices still decreased

Year-on-year, prices of all dwellings (new and second-hand) went down by 2.0% in Q4, decreasing for the eleventh quarter in a row. In detail, prices of second-hand dwellings decreased in Q4 (-2.2%) more than during the previous quarters while those of new dwellings continued to decline more slightly (-0.2% year-on-year after -0.4%).


Compared to the previous publication (January 2015), house price index was downscaled by –0.1 point in Q3 2014.

OLE_LINK2House price index

Base 100 : 2010
House price index (Base 100 : 2010)
Weights 2014 (%) Index 2014 Q4 (p) Percentage change compared with the previous quarter (p) Percentage change compared with the same quarter of the previous year (p)
All dwellings 100.0 100.7 -1.8 -2.0
- new dwellings 10.9 104.2 -0.3 -0.2
- second-hand dwellings 89.1 100.3 -2.0 -2.2
  • (p) Provisional data
  • Source: INSEE, SoeS, French notaries – Database Bien, Perval


Methodology (pdf,175 Ko)

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