Informations rapides
20 October 2015
2015- n° 254
Rebound in business start-ups in September 2015 Enterprise births - September 2015

In September 2015, the number of business births rebounded (+3.6% for all entreprises, seasonally and working-day adjusted). Excluding self managed micro-entrepreneurs, business start-ups picked up (+3.8% following –1.6%), getting back to their trend of the last months (an average of +1.6% per month since October 2014). Self-managed micro-entrepreneurs' registrations kept recovering (+3.2% following +0.7%).

Informations rapides
No 254
Paru le :Paru le20/10/2015
Prochaine parution le : 18/10/2024 at 08:45 - September 2024

In September 2015, the number of business births rebounded (+3.6% for all entreprises, seasonally and working-day adjusted). Excluding self managed micro-entrepreneurs, business start-ups picked up (+3.8% following –1.6%), getting back to their trend of the last months (an average of +1.6% per month since October 2014). Self-managed micro-entrepreneurs' registrations kept recovering (+3.2% following +0.7%).

–4.3% year-on-year (quarterly basis)

The raw amount of births added up in the last three months came down by 4.3% compared to the same months one year before, for all entreprises, because of the drop of self-managed micro-entrepreneurs' registrations (–23,5 %). Trade and construction were the sectors that most contributed to this dip1.

–3.0% year-on-year (twelve months basis)

The raw number of business start-ups totted up during the last twelve months decreased by 3.0% year-on-year. This was due to the fall in self-managed micro-entrepreneurs' set-ups (–14.5%), while other enterprises' start-ups kept rising, including companies (+3.4%).

A little less than half of the new entrepreneurs is a self-managed micro-entrepreneur

In September 2015, 45.2% of business set-ups over the last twelve months were micro–entrepreneurs' registrations.

tab0ENBusiness set-ups distribution by type

% over the twelve last months (raw data)
Business set-ups distribution by type (% over the twelve last months (raw data))
July 2015 Aug. 2015 Sept. 2015
Companies 31,5 31,7 32,0
Sole proprietorships excluding self-managed micro-entrepreneurs 21,8 22,2 22,9
Self-managed micro-entrepreneurs 46,7 46,1 45,2
  • Source: INSEE (Sirene)

1 The contribution of a sector to the overall variation is the observed variation of this sector, weighted by the share of this sector in the total number of births.

Graph1ENBusiness start-ups (sa-wda *)

  • * Seasonally and working-day adjusted data
  • Source: INSEE (Sirene)

Graph2ENTrade and business support activities start-ups (sa-wda *)

  • * Seasonally and working-day adjusted data
  • Source: INSEE (Sirene)

Graph3ENConstruction and real estate business start-ups (sa-wda *)

  • * Seasonally and working-day adjusted data
  • Source: INSEE (Sirene)

tab1ENBusiness set-ups by month (sa-wda *)

Business set-ups by month (sa-wda *)
June 2015 July 2015 Aug. 2015 Sept. 2015
Excl. self-managed micro-entrepreneurs 25,406 25,747 25,340 26,312
Variation [m-o-m] % 1.8 1.3 -1.6 3.8
Incl. self-managed micro-entrepreneurs 44,057 43,554 43,265 44,816
Variation [m-o-m] % 2.9 -1.1 -0.7 3.6
  • * Seasonally and working-day adjusted data
  • Source: INSEE (Sirene)

tab2ENBusiness start-ups by type

Raw data
Business start-ups by type (Raw data)
Moving total % change * Moving total Moving total
over 3 months over 12 months January- September 2015 January- September 2014
Total -4.3 -3.0 392,672 412,395
Companies 6.7 3.4 126,692 122,749
Sole proprietorships -8.9 -5.8 265,980 289,646
Of which self-managed micro-entrepreneurs -23.5 -14.5 168,390 212,058
  • * Total of business start-ups during the last 3 or 12 months compared with the same months a year earlier
  • Source: INSEE (Sirene)

tab3ENNumber of business set-ups (incl. self-managed micro-enterprises)

sa-wda *
Number of business set-ups (incl. self-managed micro-enterprises) (sa-wda *)
NA July 2015 Aug. 2015 Sept. 2015
Total 43,554 43,265 44,816
Industry BE 1,986 2,043 2,031
Of which Manufacturing C 1,763 1,772 1,805
Construction FZ 5,328 5,234 5,474
Wholesale and retail trade, Transport, Accommodation and Food and beverage activities GI 11,989 12,228 12,812
Of which Trade G 7,968 8,121 8,325
Of which Transportation and storage H 1,567 1,387 2,128
Of which Accommodation and food service activities I 2,382 2,394 2,440
Information and communication JZ 2,069 2,086 2,106
Financial and insurance activities KZ 1,325 1,157 1,335
Real estate activities LZ 1,443 1,309 1,502
Business support activities MN 9,665 9,453 9,704
Public administration and defence, education, human health and social work activities OQ 5,764 5,627 5,510
Other services activities RS 3,986 4,128 4,342
  • * Seasonally and working-day adjusted data
  • Source: INSEE (Sirene)

tab3bisENFluctuation in the number of business set-ups (incl. self-managed micro-entrepreneurs)

In %
Fluctuation in the number of business set-ups (incl. self-managed micro-entrepreneurs) (In %)
NA Sept. 15 / Aug. 15 Moving total % change**
sa-wda * over 3 months over 12 months
Total 3.6 -4.3 -3.0
Industry BE -0.6 -15.4 -11.3
Of which Manufacturing C 1.9 -18.2 -12.3
Construction FZ 4.6 -13.1 -14.7
Wholesale and retail trade, Transport, Accommodation and Food and beverage activities GI 4.8 -3.2 -1.0
Of which Trade G 2.5 -9.9 -7.1
Of which Transportation and storage H 53.4 52.1 50.0
Of which Accommodation and food service activities I 1.9 -6.3 -0.6
Information and communication JZ 1.0 -6.5 -0.7
Financial and insurance activities KZ 15.4 5.8 11.5
Real estate activities LZ 14.7 19.8 3.1
Business support activities MN 2.7 -3.2 -1.3
Public administration and defence, education, human health and social work activities OQ -2.1 1.0 4.4
Other services activities RS 5.2 -8.8 -6.3
  • * Seasonally and working-day adjusted data
  • ** Total of business start-ups during the last 3 or 12 months compared with the same months a year earlier
  • Source: INSEE (Sirene)

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