Informations rapides
13 March 2015
2015- n° 59
In the fourth quarter of 2014, the “Cost-of-Construction Index” increased by 0.6% over a year Construction cost index - 4th Quarter 2014

In the fourth quarter of 2014, the “Cost-of-Construction Index” (CCI) stood at 1,625 versus 1,627 in the previous quarter. Over a year, the CCI increased (+0.6%), a little slowlier than the previous quarter (+0.9%).

Informations rapides
No 59
Paru le :Paru le13/03/2015
Prochaine parution le : 24/09/2024 at 12:00 - second quarter 2024

In the fourth quarter of 2014, the “Cost-of-Construction Index” (CCI) stood at 1,625 versus 1,627 in the previous quarter. Over a year, the CCI increased (+0.6%), a little slowlier than the previous quarter (+0.9%).

Cost-of-construction index

1953 Q4=100
Cost-of-construction index (1953 Q4=100)
Dates CCI Percentage change over a one-year period (Q/Q-4) %
2010 Q1 1,508 + 0.33
2010 Q2 1,517 + 1.27
2010 Q3 1,520 + 1.20
2010 Q4 1,533 + 1.73
2011 Q1 1,554 + 3.05
2011 Q2 1,593 + 5.01
2011 Q3 1,624 + 6.84
2011 Q4 1,638 + 6.85
2012 Q1 1,617 + 4.05
2012 Q2 1,666 + 4.58
2012 Q3 1,648 + 1.48
2012 Q4 1,639 + 0.06
2013 Q1 1,646 + 1.79
2013 Q2 1,637 - 1.74
2013 Q3 1,612 - 2.18
2013 Q4 1,615 - 1.46
2014 Q1 1,648 + 0.12
2014 Q2 1,621 - 0.98
2014 Q3 1,627 + 0.93
2014 Q4 1,625 + 0.62
  • Reminder: the historical series since 1953 are available on
  • Source: INSEE

According to Law 2014-626 of 18 June 2014 (Article 9) which amends section L145-34 of Commercial Code, two indices can be used for the escalation of commercial rent contracts:

- The Commercial rent index for commercial and craft activities;

- The Tertiary activities rent index for commercial activities other than commercial.

The CCI is no longer proposed for escalation of commercial rent contracts.


GrcoutukYear-on-year change in prices and costs of construction of buildings

  • How to read it: the « Cost-of-Construction Index » (CCI) is actually a price index in the construction of buildings industry. In this graph, the CCI is shown along with the cost of production index in construction of buildings, also published by INSEE.
  • Source: INSEE



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