Informations rapides
23 December 2014
2014- n° 300
In November 2014, producer prices in industry fell slightly Industrial Producer and Import Price Indices - November 2014

In November, French producer prices in industry for the French market remained almost unchanged (–0.1% in November as in October). The decline in prices for refined petroleum products (–5.1%) was offset by the rise in prices for mining and quarrying products, energy, water (+1.7%).

Informations rapides
No 300
Paru le :Paru le23/12/2014
Prochaine parution le : 27/09/2024 at 08:45 - August 2024

Producer price indices in French industry : –0.2% in November

FRENCH MARKET: –0.1% in November

In November, French producer prices in industry for the French market remained almost unchanged (–0.1% in November as in October). The decline in prices for refined petroleum products (–5.1%) was offset by the rise in prices for mining and quarrying products, energy, water (+1.7%).

Prices for petroleum products tumbled

In November, prices for refined petroleum products tumbled anew (–5.1% in November after –6.7% in October), driven by plunging crude oil prices.

Conversely, prices for mining and quarrying products, energy, water continued to rise (+1.7% in November after +2.8% in October), supported by the switch to winter tariffs for transmission services of electricity.

Prices for food and other manufactured products kept on falling

The decline in food prices – which had begun in August – continued in November (–0.4%). All food prices declined, except meat prices: chuck beef and lamb benefited from the seasonal demand.

Prices for other manufactured products continued to move down (–0.3%), due to the decline in prices for chemical products (–2.1%).

Prices for electrical, electronic and computer equipment remained steady

Prices for electrical, electronic and computer equipment were almost unchanged (+0.1%). They benefited from the rising market for electronic boards intended for connected objects and the automotive industry.

FOREIGN MARKETS: –0.5% in November

Producer prices of French industrial products sold on foreign markets moved down (–0.5%). This decline was due to lower prices for refined petroleum products (–7.1%) and – to a lesser extent – lower prices on the electricity wholesale market.

ALL MARKETS: –0.2% in November

On all markets, prices decreased slightly (–0.2%). Year over year, the decline was 1.7% for all products and 14.9% for refined petroleum products.

Import price indices of industrial products: –0.8% in November

Import prices declined again in November (–0.8%, after –0.7% in October). Prices for refined petroleum products fell by 5.1%. Prices for other manufactured products dipped (–0.2%), due to lower prices for chemical products (–1.4%). Conversely, import food prices leveled off (+0.1% after –0.4% in October).

Graphique1_ENTotal Industry price indices

Graphique2_ENProducer price indices of manufactured products sold on the french market

Graphique3_ENImport price indices of manufactured products

Tableau1French Producer Price Indices in industry according to the market where the products are sold:

reference year: 2010
French Producer Price Indices in industry according to the market where the products are sold: (reference year: 2010)
Change in %
Levels A 10 and A 17 in CPF rev. 2, 2008 Weight Nov.14 In 1 month In 1 year
French market
BE:TOTAL INDUSTRY 1000 106.6 –0.1 –2.0
(DE) Mining and quarrying, energy, water 194 113.5 1.7 –2.8
CZ: Manufactured prod. 806 104.5 –0.6 –1.8
(C1) Food products, beverages, tobacco 186 108.8 –0.4 –1.8
(C2) Coke and refined petroleum products 56 109.6 –5.1 –14.6
(C3) Electrical & electronic equip., computers, mach. 72 101.9 0.1 –0.2
(C4) Transport equipment 111 103.3 –0.1 0.4
(C5) Other man. products 380 102.4 –0.3 –0.5
Foreign markets
BE:TOTAL INDUSTRY 1000 102.6 –0.5 –0.5
CZ: Manufactured prod. 968 103.0 –0.4 –0.2
(C1) Food products, beverages, tobacco 122 111.6 –0.5 –0.1
(C2) Coke and refined petroleum products 26 103.8 –7.1 –16.0
(C3) Electrical & electronic equip., computers, mach. 180 98.5 0.2 1.2
(C4) Transport equipment 169 104.0 0.0 0.4
(C5) Other man. products 471 102.0 –0.3 0.1
All markets
BE:TOTAL INDUSTRY 1000 105.1 –0.2 –1.7
CZ: Manufactured prod. 845 103.7 –0.6 –1.4
(C1) Food products, beverages, tobacco 171 109.3 –0.4 –1.5
(C2) Coke and refined petroleum products 49 108.1 –5.4 –14.9
(C3) Electrical & electronic equip., computers, mach. 98 99.4 0.1 0.5
(C4) Transport equipment 125 103.7 –0.1 0.4
(C5) Other man. products 402 102.2 –0.3 –0.4

    Tableau2Import prices of industrial products

    reference year: 2010
    Import prices of industrial products (reference year: 2010)
    Change in %
    Levels A 10 and A 17 of nomenclature CPF rev. 2, 2008 Weight Nov.14 In 1 month In 1 year
    BE:TOTAL INDUSTRY 1000 101.9 –0.8 –3.4
    CZ: Manufactured prod. s 101.6 –0.5 –1.6
    (C1) Food products, beverages, tobacco 71 112.1 0.1 –1.7
    (C2) Coke and refined petroleum products 53 108.3 –5.1 –15.4
    (C3) Electrical & electronic equip., computers, mach. 225 96.3 –0.2 –1.4
    (C4) Transport equipment 147 99.9 0.0 0.1
    (C5) Other manufactured products s 103.1 –0.2 –0.1
    • r: updated ; nd: non available ; s : confidential

    Tableau3Revision of each index at total industry level

    Revision of the monthly change (in %)
    Revision of each index at total industry level (Revision of the monthly change (in %))
    Aug.14 / Jul.14 Sep.14 / Aug.14 Oct.14 / Sep.14
    French producer prices in industry sold on:
    - the French market +0.1 // +0.1(1)
    - the foreign markets // +0.1 +0.1
    - all markets // –0.1 +0.1
    Import prices of industrial products // // //
    • (1) Reading note: the change of the index between September and October 2014 is revised by +0,1 point; the change published at the end of November was –0.2%, it is updated to –0.1%.

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