Informations rapides
8 February 2012
2012- n° 38
In January 2012, the prices of the imported commodities on the rise again Prices of oil and raw material imports - January 2012

In January, the price of oil in dollars rebounded (+3.2% after –2.4% in December). It stood at $111.5 per barrel Brent. The foreign currency prices for non-energy commodities imported into France are also started to increase (+2.6% after –2.2% in December).

In January, the price of oil in dollars rebounded (+3.2% after –2.4% in December). It stood at $111.5 per barrel Brent. The foreign currency prices for non-energy commodities imported into France are also started to increase (+2.6% after –2.2% in December).

The prices of oil in dollars recovered

In January, the dollar price of oil from the North Sea (Brent) has rebounded (+3.2% after -2.4%). In euros, the increase in the oil prices was stronger (+5.2 % after +0.6 %), due to the depreciation of European currency against the dollar (-1.9)

The prices of industrial raw material rebounded

In January, the prices of industrial raw materials in foreign currencies increased (+3.0% after -1.6% in December). On the one hand, the prices of mineral raw materials rebounded (+4.2% after -1.6%). Indeed, the prices of nonferrous metals rose sharply (+6.1% after –1.2%), primarily copper (+6.3%), aluminium (+6.1%) and nickel (+9.1%). Similarly, the prices of precious metals are starting to rebound (+1.8% after -6.3%), including silver (+1.2% after -8.1%) and platinum (+2.7% after –8.1%). The gold prices have stabilized, however (+0.2% after –5.0%).

In the other hand, the prices of agro-industrial raw materials decreased (-0.4% after -1.4% in December). Indeed the decline of wood pulp (-4.3%) was partly offset bty the rebound in natural rubber prices (+2.0% after -1.1%) and those of natural textile fibers (+5.4% after -7.5%), especially cotton (+6.2% after –9.1%).

The prices of raw food materials on the rise again

In January, the prices of raw food materials in foreign currencies are starting to rebound (+2.2% after -3.2% in December). The prices of tropical foodstuff recovered (+2.1% after -6.3%), notably cocoa (+8.5% after –13.7%),

and tea (+8.7% after –1.7%). Similarly, the price of the beef meal rebounded (+2.4% after –0.2%), as well as oilseeds (+3.4% after –1.9%), including soybean meal (+5.2% after –2.3%). Only the cereals prices continued to decline, but less strongly than in December (-1.5% after –4.5%).The decrease in the rice prices (-7.2%) was offset by higher maize prices (+4.8%).

tabpetroleOil and petroleum products

in dollar
Oil and petroleum products (in dollar)
Prices Change (%)
of last month over the last month over the last 3 months over the last 12 months
Brent in $ per barrel 111,5 3,2 2,8 15,7
Brent in € per barrel 86,5 5,2 9,3 19,9
Gasoline 974,7 6,2 0,4 16,3
Gas Oil 950,9 2,7 2,2 18,4
Heavy fuel 655,6 8,2 6,3 36,5
Naphtha 945,5 8,1 7,4 10,8
  • Prices are in dollars per tonne unless otherwise specified
  • Source: INSEE

tabmatpremImported raw materials (excluding energy) in domestic currency

base 100 in 2000
Imported raw materials (excluding energy) in domestic currency (base 100 in 2000)
Index Changes (%)
over the last month over the last 3 months over the last 12 months
Food total 243,6 2,2 –2,2 –9,6
Tropical foodstuff 235,3 2,1 –8,4 –16,5
Oil seeds, vegetable oils 260,3 3,4 0,5 –13,3
Cereals 284,9 –1,5 –5,4 2,5
Sugar 295,2 2,7 –8,6 –25,1
Beef meat 163,4 2,4 5,6 7,2
Industrial raw materials 234,7 3,0 –0,3 –14,3
Agricultural raw materials 144,5 –0,4 –6,3 –17,8
Natural Fibers 214,1 5,4 –6,3 –37,1
Natural rubber 434,3 2,0 –16,3 –33,1
Hides 89,9 –0,2 –9,5 –21,4
Wood pulp 124,0 –4,3 –10,5 –10,6
Tropical wood 147,6 0,0 –5,9 –2,0
Sawn softwood 98,5 2,2 7,3 –17,5
Minerals 282,9 4,2 1,9 –13,1
Iron ore 522,5 0,0 0,0 –18,0
Non-ferrous metals 247,0 6,1 3,2 –14,5
Precious metals 421,6 1,8 –1,0 9,6
All commodities 228,7 2,6 –1,1 –12,7
  • Source: INSEE


  • Source: INSEE


  • Source: INSEE

G_ensemble_angAll commodities

  • Source: INSEE

G_indus_angIndustrial raw materials

  • Source: INSEE

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