Informations rapides
16 May 2013
2013- n° 113
In April 2013, further decline in oil prices Prices of oil and raw material imports - April 2013

In April, the crude oil price in euro terms decreased once again (-5.9% after -2.9% in March), reaching € 79.7 per barrel of Brent. Prices of commodities except energy imported into France also fell more sharply in April than in March (-3.9% after -0.2%).

Informations rapides
No 113
Paru le :Paru le16/05/2013
Prochaine parution le : 20/09/2024 at 12:00 - August 2024

In April, the crude oil price in euro terms decreased once again (-5.9% after -2.9% in March), reaching € 79.7 per barrel of Brent. Prices of commodities except energy imported into France also fell more sharply in April than in March (-3.9% after -0.2%).

Oil prices fell again

In April, the price of crude oil from the North Sea (Brent) in dollars terms continued to decline (-5.3% after -5.8%). It stood at $103.8 per barrel. In euros terms, the price of Brent fell slightly more strongly (-5.9% after -2.9%), due to an appreciation of the euro against the dollar (+0.6%).

The prices of imported industrial raw material declined

In April, prices of industrial raw materials in euro terms declined again (-4.7% after -2.1%). In particular, prices of mineral raw materials fell sharply (-5.0% after -3.8%). Prices of non-ferrous metals dipped strongly (-5.3% after –3.3%), due to a fall in prices of aluminum (–3.5%), zinc (–4.6%), copper (–6.5%), nickel (–7.1%) and lead (-7.6%). Prices of precious metals also declined more sharply (–8.9% in April after –0.5% in March). This decrease affected mainly the prices of silver (-13.0%) and gold (-7.3%) whose safe haven status has faded. The prices of platinum (-6.5%) and palladium (-7.7%) also slumped significantly, in particular because of the weakness of the European automobile market. The price of iron ore also fell in April, but less sharply than in March (–2.3% after -6.8%).

On the other hand, prices of agro-industrial raw materials declined (-3.8% after +3.4%). In particular, the prices of sawn softwood (-5.9%) and natural rubber (-11.4%) decreased significantly. In addition, the prices of natural textile fibers bended (-3.1% after +7.5%), due to the fall in cotton prices (-2.4% after +8.5%).

The raw food materials prices receded

In April, prices of raw food materials in euro terms receded (-2.6% after +3.2%). Thus, prices of oilseeds folded (-3.2% after +1.5%) and notably those of soybean (-3.6%) and soybean meal (-4.1%), due to the weakness of the Chinese demand.

Meanwhile, prices of cereals diminished significantly (-5.8% after +3.1%), notably due to a fall in corn prices (-11.4%). Prices of sugar also decreased (-3.8%). Similarly, prices of beef fell sharply (-4.0%). However, prices of tropical foodstuff rose again (+1.0% after +1.4%), due to the sharp rise in the price of cocoa (+5.9%).

tabpetroleOil and petroleum products

In euros
Oil and petroleum products (In euros)
Prices Change (%)
Over the last month Over the last month Over the last 3 months Over the last 12 months
Brent in $ per barrel 103.8 –5.3 –7.4 –13.9
Brent in € per barrel 79.7 –5.9 –5.4 –13.1
Gasoline €/L 0.55 –6.5 –2.7 –14.2
Gas Oil 663.8 –5.9 –7.9 –13.0
Heavy fuel 453.3 –5.4 –5.3 –19.5
Naphtha 629.3 –10.3 –10.2 –20.0
  • Prices are in euros per ton unless otherwise specified
  • Source: INSEE

tabmatpremImported raw materials (excluding energy) in euros

Base 100 in 2000
Imported raw materials (excluding energy) in euros (Base 100 in 2000)
Index Changes (%)
Over the last month Over the last 3 months Over the last 12 months
Food total 184.7 –2.6 –0.1 –0.9
Tropical foodstuff 146.9 1.0 –0.8 –6.4
Oil seeds, vegetable oils 234.6 –3.2 –0.2 3.9
Cereals 203.9 –5.8 –3.7 –2.0
Sugar 152.2 –3.8 –3.3 –22.2
Beef meat 120.6 –4.0 3.5 3.3
Industrial raw materials 170.4 –4.7 –6.3 –6.5
Agricultural raw materials 110.5 –3.8 –0.6 2.9
Natural Fibers 134.2 –3.1 8.2 –7.1
Natural rubber 272.0 –11.4 –16.2 –31.0
Hides 88.2 4.6 7.9 19.8
Wood pulp 87.7 0.4 3.9 1.2
Tropical wood 97.9 0.9 –2.2 –6.0
Sawn softwood 105.7 –5.9 1.8 37.3
Minerals 203.1 –5.0 –8.0 –9.3
Iron ore 780.7 –2.3 –6.8 –6.0
Non-ferrous metals 151.3 –5.3 –8.0 –10.2
Precious metals 266.5 –8.9 –11.0 –10.8
All commodities 168.8 –3.9 –4.1 –4.5
  • Source: INSEE


  • Source: INSEE


  • Source: INSEE

G_ensemble_angAll commodities

  • Source: INSEE

G_indus_angIndustrial raw materials

  • Source: INSEE

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